Purchase Order - Applying multiple bills to a single PO
Ability to assign multiple bills into single purchase orders.
Purpose: To improve the users’ workflow rather than having to create multiple purchase orders.

Suman Hissaria commented
Ability to apply multiple bills to single PO then the purchase order report or the PO itself showing what has billed against it and what is left.
Modra Susan commented
Hopefully in the near future the PO's will be able to track and monitoring the requested value. I work for a very large Farming Company. We send a PO no. only to a supplier without giving them a figure. This is how we monitor a large value against each invoices received.
Xero has proven to be very valuable to us. Just missing the PO reporting. -
Heather Aguilar commented
We need to be able to do this as well in order to issue a blanket purchase order to a vendor on a contract and bill against it over a year's time. This is a desperate need as evidenced by the multiple responses below. I do hope that Xero is looking to add this feature in the future.
Annette Danbury commented
I am very disappointed as I am moving a client to Xero from a system which is able to carry out this function. Xero has always been so much more user friendly and didn't realise this feature was missing, I may have considered not carrying out the move had I known this fact, due to the many items ordered on individual purchase orders being despatched over different dates.
My only option I feel is to delete the item received on the purchase order when each bill is received!
Xero has let me down for the first time. -
Lawrence Young commented
We raise purchase orders for large quantities of material which are delivered and invoiced in batch deliveries.
Not having this facility means we can’t keep track of outstanding amounts from the system. -
Fiona Stokes commented
We often raise a PO which is invoiced to us over months, sometimes years before clearing the PO. We could REALLY do with an added PO function which reduces the PO balance as each Bill is created against it. This would be a game changer!
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
Often large PO's have multiple bills because some items are either on backorder and others take longer to make so there are multiple bills and therefore multiple delivery dockets.
Fiona Collins commented
Really suprised this feature still hasn't been actioned, we'll often have upwards of 20 invoices per PO and not being able to track commitment is a pain point.
Janice Johnston commented
This would save our business time, paperwork and labour by allowing us to raise one PO for multiple deliveries from the one supplier. I know this is a feature in MYOB that allows you to receive stock for multiple deliveries and create multiple bills for those deliveries.
Joe Gazeley commented
This would save our business massive amounts of time. At the moment we have to track POs raised for labour over thousands of jobs on spreadsheets separate from Xero and then reconcile that with the bills in Xero.
Admin Admin commented
Being able to assign separate invoices to different line items. As a manufacturing business we don't always receive stock as a whole order and part deliveries are common. The work around of creating individual PO's in monotonous and time consuming for the ordering and accounts teams
Grace McGuinness commented
Hi Xero,
I've switched from a competitor and so, so surprised this is not a function.
How do others treat things like a 2 year software subscription billed monthly? -
Amber Spiers commented
This is very important for our company as we currently need to track on a spreadsheet the multiple invoices which relate to one PO which is very time consuming. This function would be very helpful and reduce the workload as we could track this in Xero.
Hannah Durrant commented
It would be really helpful to be able to select lines/or a quantity of items from a line to match to bills received. We often send large POs to a supplier, but then they bill them when they ship each item rather than all at once. I can't see what is remaining on the PO very easily with the current set up. We have a work around by going back to the PO and deleting the items that have been billed, but this is time intensive and sometimes gets forgotten.
Donna Ryan commented
Our business has multiple jobs we need to order products in using purchase orders. We need to be able to send just 1 purchase order to each supplier at end of each day, not 10 separate ones from each little job.
Aoife Brennan commented
Marking off individual PO items as and when they are billed. Supplier bills often chop and change across various PO's. This feature will significantly help us in tracking supplier billing activity.
Rozalia Molnar commented
I think this can be done at the moment. When you copy your PO to Bill unstick the box that says mark received
Then, you can go back and receive your next bill the same way.When you received your last outstanding balance on the PO, then tick the box and job done.
At the bottom of the PO, you can find the notes which will show you all the bills related to the PO.
Pam van Muijen commented
This would make tracking of POs so much simpler and make sure that everything gets paid.