Contact: Prepayment - Show on statement with negative balance
To show a negative number in customer balance, when customers have a prepayment.
Purpose: To make users easier to see any prepayments that were made by their contact in Xero.

Freya Pieroz commented
Here's another screenshot, because September is over and I'd like to reconcile the PAYG withheld for September against the PAYG paid NOW rather than when I prepare the September BAS which is due in eight weeks time. And I'd really rather have a total I can compare to the total on the Payroll Employee Summary or other reports instead of relying on my ability to not make typos when adding up each prepayment individually.
Freya Pieroz commented
As it is, this is what the 'outstanding bills' to the ATO currently looks like for that client... not in credit but a whole bunch of prepayments.
Freya Pieroz commented
I have an Australian client who is a medium withholder for PAYG. I'd really like to be able to see a total for the amount that has been paid after every payrun, as is required for medium withholders, so that I can reconcile this with the amount that will show on the Activity Statement (since Xero doesn't have an option for reports to be generated any more frequently than monthly) and plan for the cash flow required to pay the GST component.
Allison Jones commented
If a customer prepays, their account should show a credit balance. This is basic accounting practice. If you create a credit note for a customer, this shows as a credit on their account, so what's the difference? All that needs to be done to fix this problem is instead of Xero creating an Invoice for a Prepayment, a Credit Note should be created instead. I would have thought this would be easy to fix and am surprised people have been asking for this change for nearly 2 years. In the meantime, there are a whole lot of businesses out there that have their Debtors ledger with incorrect balances.
Gillian McConnell commented
Cant believe this is still not amended. It is so frustrating when you post a prepayment to a customer or supplier that it doesnt appear as a negative balance. What is wrong with Xero?? So many basic functions to be changed and they arent listening. Sage are streets ahead and might consider going back
Chelsea Hutchison commented
This needs updated urgently! this is a very basic function that other accounting systems have, why does Xero not have this?
Siobhan Leask commented
This is a very simple function which other accounting systems have. Do not understand why Xero is missing this - please update!
Seumas Thomson commented
Please update this!
Sarah Harwood commented
This is a problem that needs to be updated urgently as it's an issue not being able to show the correct amount outstanding for each client.
Jonathan Marr commented
100% - have had numerous clients asking about this function and seems strange that Xero does not support this. Please update ASAP!!
Sarah Wilson commented
This is a major issue for us. customers make monthly payments and often pay in advance.
the Xero statements are also awful if client makes payments rather than clearing individual invoices. makes us want to go back to Quickbooks -
Calum Anderson commented
Other accounting systems do this. Why not Xero? Seems a very basic thing to be missing!
Greg Hollywood commented
This is such a basic function we would expect to see in an accounting software.
The absence of this function makes it so difficult to process and track client payments on account.
Surely this would be simple to rectify in the software and would make Xero so much more user friendly.
Sarah Wilson commented
This is a fundamental flaw in the programme. It certainly make us want to go back to Quickbooks
Monique Wolvekamp commented
Please amend this. This is indeed crucial for correct communication with customers.
Stacey Nitschke commented
The sooner this is updated the better. We have many clients that like to pay small amounts weekly before their jobs are even in our system. Xero makes this incredibly hard to track. It would be so much easier if you could see the correct balance whether it a credit or debt. It would also be helpful if you can allocate the prepayment to other entities. We have had issues where a client has over paid, we have receipted as an overpayment, then an invoice is created under a different entity and if the client wants to use that credit against the bill you have to un-reconcile the original payment. It a lot of mucking around.
John Fitzgerald commented
this is a basic need of an accounting system to be able to show our customers their balances reduced or in credit to the value of prepayments they have made to us on statements produced by Xero.. otherwise its all offline manual work
John Fitzgerald commented
Totally agree! I also raised this as it’s pretty stupid not being able to show a customer’s payments against total and show credits.
Katie Abbott-Hadadine commented
When payments on account are made by a customer and a client is in credit a prepayment has to be posted, however this does not show on the receivables listing or client account as a credit it still shows nil - so unless you are aware of this and run a separate individual report for each customer true balances for customers cannot be tracked easily. Would be not be possible to add a report or additional column for customer balances inclusive of prepayments? The only way to track this is then manually reconcile the debtor prepayments control account which will become more and more time consuming over time as transaction numbers increase.
Fionnbarr Kennedy commented
To me this is just BASIC. If you Prepay the account is in Credit. Xero should reflect this - your way is disingenuous and not correct accounting practice (at least not to my "old fashioned" way of thinking. Please change this
Thank you