Projects - Ability to bulk assign bills to Project
Ability to assign bills in bulk to Project.
Purpose: To save time rather than assign the bill one by one.

Bruce Boucard commented
This is a no brainer; it should already be a feature of Xero. Please prioritize and expedite this feature. It's critical for my business.
Alan Gazielly commented
This would be very helpful especially to import transactions from third party tools such as payment solutions and avoid to have to manually allocate them within each line of each bill.
Kerry Barlow commented
Any update on this?
Tsveta Georgieva commented
Critical important
Lorna Leonard commented
I use Xero projects to manage the profitability of each contract, it needs to be a whole lot easier to assign projects than it is at the moment, enabling bulk updates would help here
Fiona Tate commented
I would like to set up a multi-million dollar project that is in progress and adding previous transactions or bills/invoices manually is not practical.
Joanna Johnson commented
We have a project reaching 2 years. Scrolling through to the end of items to be passed on the Project and going through one by one is driving us crazy especially when some lines are identical in total. Just add columns to the right hand side and let us tick to select items them allocate to pass on.. its so basic!
Ellen Hills commented
This would make a big difference and save a lot of time. Something which would be very useful!
Ben Axtell commented
I'd like to second this, there is another question about it happening at the reconciliation page - would be great there, and/or on bills pages
A new column where you could drop down the project would be ideal.
Alternatively, at least within the bill itself - like it works with Invoices - so you can quick select lines. Expect this is easier tho top level on overview page would be the best
Currently it is a lot of clicks to add a cost to a project so very time consuming: Open Bill / assign costs / select project / tick lines / click Assign / click ok / click save
Steven Mulligan commented
Would also like to show column containing tracking category in unassigned bills list, as these will give a hint to what project they relate to. Then select all bills to be assigned in bulk to that project.
Kyle Te commented
Seems simple enough...but very time consuming to apply each transaction to each project.
Thomas Marlow commented
Would make a massive difference when assigning bills to pay to projects rather than each bill at a time.
Nicole van der Draaij commented
So importnat that this will be made possible. Even Fiver Workspace made that possible and the much more professional XERO does not?!
Iain Corby commented
I am looking at 12 pages of expenses from recent trips - all of which need to be allocated to the correct line in the chart of accounts, then you have to remember to allocate them to a project, then select the project, then select the lines to allocate, then remember to hit reconcile. This will take me a whole day. I would prefer to be able to review my transactions and bulk allocate them to a project.
Simon Young commented
Yes please!
David Guest commented
Assigning to a project is too slow. It should be able to be done in Bulk, and on the reconciliation page easily - not click through multiple times. It's basic stuff.
Jane Russell commented
This feature would be amazing, we would like to include in our bulk import from excel.
Freya Pieroz commented
I'd like to be able to bulk assign expenses (and income) to Projects using Find and Recode or with tickyboxes on the list of Bills not assigned to Projects.
Currently, you have to edit each separate transaction to assign it to a Project. Separately.
From within a Project, clicking to Add -> Expense from bill opens the list of unassigned bills, but you have to open each one separately and edit each one separately.
It's a waste of time to do each one separately rather than in a bulk lot, especially when the person reconciling the bank doesn't have Projects access or forgets to assign the transactions they're reconciling due to the fact that that's a multi-step process that involves drilling in to Add details.
Hassan Serag-El-Din commented
Would love to see this feature.
This is the most time consuming process.
Example we would like to see.
In the bills draft or approval area, a bulk coding list with a project assigned drop down, option to view attached bill PDF. account code. Similar to the cash coding process.
Many thanks in advance
Mariel Cabando commented
Please add this feature. Thank you!