MTD VAT - Ability to review without connecting to HMRC
Enable users to view a MTD VAT return without requiring a connection to HMRC.
Purpose: Often people who do not have the HMRC gateway details/ability to submit the return via MTD VAT need to review it or answer queries about it before the gateway holder submits it

Thanks for your inputs, everyone. While we appreciate the interest around being able to view MTD VAT without needing to connect to the HMRC, this is not something that our team are looking to change at present. Xero currently requires a connection to HMRC to draw the period of the MTD VAT.
We'll keep a close eye on the appetite for this here, but for now we wanted to highlight options.
Currently, a client could export the MTD return and send it through to their advisor for review.
Alternatively, advisors can use the Non MTD VAT return to help them with the review process - This can be run and exported regardless of MTD credentials.
- The return should be a mirror image of the MTD VAT return (unless adjustments / imports have been made to the MTD version) that'll also include any late claims for the period.
Carol Dufour commented
The VAT return is always reviewed prior to submission and the data is being extracted from Xero rather than HMRC - to not have access to running the VAT return is nonsense when you are not ready to submit anyway.
Yes you can run a report by period but this does not pick up any late entries from previous quarters that have not been included on a VAT return.
Surely a tick box to say 'connect' to HMRC would work. As I understand it Xero is only pulling the VAT periods from HMRC when the connection is made and these are already set up in Xero anyway.