Inventory - Create Inventory Items in multiple currencies
Ability to have multi-currency for inventory in Xero.
Purpose: To make invoice and purchase tracking easier, because this feature will allow users to enter different currencies when they’re buying and selling the item.

All Terrain Services Limited commented
Customers need to be able to see what currency each product is in.
Javier Gutierrez Abril commented
This is vital for my business; purchasing in USD and selling in GBP is horrible when the exchange rate is a rollercoaster.
I have raised my prices to maintain the same profit, but this resulted in a larger fake (extremely fake) profit, which leads us to pay more tax.
Please add this feature ASAP!
Lisa Coles commented
Would be extremely helpful for import businesses where almost all stock purchased is in foreign currency!!
Rebecca Limberger commented
This is vital to a business and their reporting!
Kalpna Patel commented
We purchase Items in USD but may sell to a UK customer so the price on the Product needs to reflect this currency
EMILIE MAI commented
That will be more accurate when calculating the cost and profit.
Brent Reed commented
Although our home currency is BWP we are a dollar based business and can't add items in USD so have to manually enter each line of the invoice
Sarah Jacobs commented
Yes! I have inventory items in multiple currencies, but this is not currently supported at all in Xero
Beatriz Cadenas commented
It is extremely necessary to have Inventory Items in multiple currencies! Please, add this feature.
Hanh Nguyen Hoang commented
Please add this feature, as we have invetories in foreign currency, but XERO does not provide any function to change the currency of invetory cost.
Elliot Street commented
This is an absolute must for any businesses looking to scale internationally. Hopefully this feature can be fast tracked as a lack of this will see user migrate to other providers which would be a shame.
Spencer Elbert commented
Hopefully we can see this feature soon along with this updated inventory system so our companies can make full use of it!
Sandra Lester commented
Not sure why this doesn't exist yet.
Becky Dwyer commented
This would be really useful, as my client imports inventory billed in both GBP and EUR. Better foreign currency functionality is required across the board!