Sales - Ability to calculate commissions
Ability to track Sales representatives commission for each sale.
Each invoice to a customer will require a commission calculation to be made and accrued to the reps account.
Purpose: Ease of keeping track of commissions owed, and a pulse on cashflows

Kristen Hatt commented
This would be a game changer. Calculating commission via an Excel spreadsheet increases the margin for error and I also need to deduct super to obtain net commissions before entering the amount into Xero.
The sooner the better ! -
Tara Nelson commented
Has this been addressed yet?
Suzette Edwards commented
It appears that Xero isn't paying any attention to this one as there has been no response. It's sad that there isn't a way to track commissions based on billing. It is a standard accounting procedure. It's ridiculous that I have to track all of this via an Excel spreadsheet (which means errors will likely occur). Other accounting systems have this feature. Come on Xero, let's get with the program.
Stew Heckenberg commented
I've recently published an extension for Chrome that lets you calculate commissions for invoices. It's free, and I'd love to get feedback from people here looking to solve their commissions problem. You can install it via the Chrome Web Store at
bo burns commented
Yes I need this 100000%, Also I cant believe Xero doesnt have tracking on supplier invoices against our client invoices. We had this at MYOB and it was so useful. Its so odd you dont have P & L on that. If we could get that so each job we invoice we know the costs against it (we are not a trade company and dont need tracking) We purchase products and onsell them, so we want to know the costs against jobs and commission for each staff member to pay out.
Daniel Speiser commented
Yes this is very important, after alot of customizing of a Xero report, it still takes alot of time & manual readjusting (which leaves room for errors) every month to get the commission reports to send to our agents. I'd imagine commission reporting on sales would be a fairly common business practice, Xero PLEASE add this function to the software
Leah Shangrow commented
Surprising Xero can't do this. Quickbooks can. Xero please escalate this development project? We are considering leaving Xero because it doesn't have this critical functionality and it's costing us too much money in manual labour to calculate it all outside your software.
teddy mudge commented
I do this manually and it takes too much time, please add this functionality for us
Lee Langridge commented
To be able to customise the accounts transaction report, add additional columns
Example: A report listing the sales nominal and ordered by tracking category 1 (sales reps), to be able to add a column with a formula calculating a percentage to work out staff commission on sales
Daniel Speiser commented
90% of our sales are sold by a few different agent's who we pay monthly based on a commission report of their particular customers