Reporting - Report that shows Repeating Invoices
Users in Xero can see the figures of the repeating invoices.
Purpose: Users can easily see the figures and forecast their sales, especially those who are having many repeating invoices.
Joanne Gaisford commented
Yes please would be nice to know the totals of recurring invoices each month, and also a function cross check for any errors other than viewing each individual invoice separately. So a detailed report of the recurring invoices and the line items.
Also a function to add once off items for once off charges.
Julia Slater commented
Yes, I have pages and pages of recurring invoices and need to know the totals of recurring invoices each month, to be able to export the data to excel would be fine.
Jacky Workman commented
Goodness! Hundreds of repeat invoices later we are unable to cross check for any errors other than viewing each individual invoice separately. How about a nice little report function showing data entered eg. due date, payment branding especially when we use multiple options etc?
Terri Martin commented
A basic reporting function is needed for repeating invoices. We need to be able to export a complete picture of the invoice data including the payment branding, due date etc.
Bee Hesketh commented
Repeating invoices lack so many fundamental features. Not being able to get a basic report is definitely one of them.
As a business where the majority of our invoicing is repeating, this is becoming increasingly frustrating. This isn't a 'Product Idea' it is a fundamental feature that should have been included from the moment Xero introduced repeating invoices.
Deborah Hough commented
I think that the value of all repeating invoices should be available to be seen simply in the "invoices Owed To You" section on the dashboard?
I recently changed from producing an invoice for a total contract value, to using monthly repeating invoices which works better for me as all my clients pay on monthly instalments, BUT, the problem is i can now no longer see the values that are still left for customers to pay, as there is no facility to see the value of all upcomin repeating invoices? -
Donna Warren commented
we are using repeating invoices and need so see future income.
Alex Murphy commented
Would be grateful if you could at the very lease allow the export button to appear in the repeating Invoice search screen. It is there for every other invoice list screen - so surely not that tricky? This appears to have been a feature that has been requested for over two years... So please can you provide an update as to when (and I suppose if) this will be added.
Karol Macdonald commented
We have a lot of monthly/annual repeating invoices that I need totals on. However, when I run the repeating invoice report there is no total and there is no export. A total needs to be added to do income projections and exporting to Excel would be very helpful for sorting purposes.
I see that a lot of people have been requesting this for quite a while - Xero please get this done!
Barry Tottle commented
Yes please
Bee Hesketh commented
Still don't understand why Xero would release repeating invoices as a feature, but not include the basic infrastructure / functionality to support it. There's so many issues with repeating invoices but this has to be one of the most basic things that's missing.
Over 90% of our invoices are repeating and this means we just aren't able to report accurately.
Andy Brewood commented
We're an accountancy practice and Xero re-seller, using Xero for our own accounts.. every time there is a Xero price increase we have to manually review over 400 repeating invoices to edit the ones where the price is increasing.
Reporting on repeating invoices is a basic feature that clearly a lot of your loyal users "need". Get your act together Xero!!
Elizabeth Nikias commented
I pay for some Xero files on behalf of clients and then oncharge them via direct debit on 01st of each month. With the Xero price increases from 01 July 24, I would like to pull a report that shows my repeating invoices so I can easily see which of these client invoices I need to increase.
Thank you
Jon Simcox commented
So, I want to see what we have coming up for next month, I know, I'll look at my repeating invoice list and check the total.
Ok no total, so I'll just dump the list to excel - ah no's 2024, every list with figures should have totals, and an export how can an accounting package not get this
Carol Wadsworth commented
I would like the ability to post my repeating bills so they appear in my account transactions list 20-30 days prior to their due date so I can see my future balance. Thank you for considering this feature.
Ian Hazeldine commented
The ability to monitor and track repeating invoices for a defined period is paramount. I urge Xero to add this feature as a priority update.
Kevin Storm commented
It seems that when repeating invoices and bills are set up, there's no way of generating a report that shows the details of their contents prior to them being created as either draft or approved. Reports can only be produced once the invoices and bills are actually created. Therefore, when many of these are created there's no concise way of reviewing them and making appropriate changes before the draft entries are created. Therefore, if changes are discovered to be necessary after they're created, they have to be done twice - once on the new invoice/bill just created and once on the repeating transaction that will be used for future creations.
We've just had to edit all of our repeating bills for annual price changes, etc., but have no way of easily reviewing that we've got them right before the draft entries are created.
Damian Clark commented
This app solves this problem and delivers 2-click forecasts that can be exported to excel (there is also deferred revenue and more coming soon) -
chris horner commented
As more businesses adopt subscription models, this feature becomes more important. If Xero want to attract new sales it should prioritise this sort of basic improvement.
Heather I Scott commented
My Clients frequently ask for this report so that they can review what updates are required