Reporting | Budget Manager - Customise report layout
Ability to customise a budget manager layout.
Purpose: To make users able to get their preferred figures appear in the budget manager report.

David Price commented
It's bonkers having reports etc order alphabetically when people have gone to the trouble of setting up a Chart of Accounts that groups thinks in a way that makes sense to them.
It would be a relatively trivial piece of coding to offer an option to 'sort by code' or 'sort alphabetically' where ever information is presented.
Could we have asap pleae
Robert Klee commented
The Budget Manager lists the accounts in alphabetically order - completely different to the standard format but more particularly for my newly developed custom format which I have not set to the default.
Veronica Kelly commented
Is it possible to include liabilities in Budget Manager - as there are regular payments to liability accounts which need be considered when managing a budget
Sarah Jacobs commented
Agreed. Plus the import and export format for the account names & codes column should match the other reports' naming convention so that if we are using other reports, then we don't have to reformat this column before we import!
Budget manager naming convention = account name (account code)
Profit and loss naming convention = account code - account name.
Why are these different? Xero should have a standard naming convention across it's whole functionality.
This causes unnecessary work and is inefficient. -
Kirsty Runnicles commented
The budget manager, in its current format doesn't reflect the layout of the budget variance report or P&L so it makes it really hard to produce a standalone document from it. I just want to be able to section different types of sales.
Eastern Nephrology commented
It is critical to include liabilities in the budget manager, such as super payments, tax liabilities etc
Danielle Mcall commented
Can we have the option to include all of the assets and liabilities too please! I can't manage a budget without being able to account for the liabilities!
Tim Nunn commented
As a charity the budget manager as it is, at present, is unuseable. I am very surprised and disappointed with what is currently available.
Danielle Magri commented
Hi, I t would be wonderful to be able to include liability accounts into the Budget Manager please.
Freya Trimarco commented
Many comments already but yes we recently updated our custom P&L default and there's no way to mirror that for budget tracking. Major flaw!
Stuart McDonell commented
'Many earlier comments about the line format in the budget module needing to be able to be edited to be the same as the P/L reporting.
Why cannot the budget module have the same (line) editing function as the P/L reporting please? Including sub totals for account groups (eg HR costs, travel, occupancy etc) where ever you want/need them.
Gareth Prytherch commented
As many have already said the ability to budget for Capital (fixed asset) purchases is essential ASAP please
Abraham Almosawi commented
Proper cashflow forecasting is perhaps the single most important thing any business can and should do. Not having the ability to include liability and asset accounts seems crazy.
Carla Silva commented
That would be wonderful to be able to include asset, liability and equity accounts into the Budget Manager please.
Andrew Goldman commented
Budget manager as it sits now is just a projected P & L or a P & L budget, not a cashflow budget. Needs improvement.
Racheal Adlam commented
We would like to be able to customise the report capability from budget manager
Geoffrey Stevenson commented
Adding to the tsunami of comments on this shortcoming in Budget manager. As has been said, if you customise your P&L reports to suit the needs of the business then the ability to adopt the same structure in the budget manager (for budget data and forecast data) is a must.
Riki Parata commented
A must to be able to compare P&L to budget, so the ability to customise to Chart of Accounts please.
Anne Benison commented
What use is a P&L tailored to the Business if the Budget cannot reflect it? The P&L and Budget are necessary for the variance report.
Dave Braddock commented
Need to be able to include capital purchasing and loan repayments in budget