Reporting | Budget Manager - Customise report layout
Ability to customise a budget manager layout.
Purpose: To make users able to get their preferred figures appear in the budget manager report.

Murray Clark commented
Can these reports be in the same format as the Profit and Loss Report
Murray Clark commented
Can these reports be in the same format as the Profit and Loss Report
matt cartwright commented
To be able to create a comprehensive forecast it is critical to be able to add multiple sales lines. We managed to do this by adding lines through chart of accounts, although this is time consuming and not intuitive. To be able to edit the budget manager is essential to make it useful.
Citra Budiarnani commented
I would also add my support for all comment below to adding customized layout for budget manager for easier and better understanding for Investor to see and calculate.
Sometimes they want us to have simple yet included all the information with this Budget Manager. -
Shannon McDonald commented
Change to match P&L and not alphabetical order
Louise McConnell commented
I would add my support to having better functionality in budget manager. All of my clients have a customised format for the P&L and this is also how they budget. To then have to try and sort and/or enter the budget line by line in a format that is completely different to how we are budgeting makes this process very tedious and time consiming
Brijal Shah commented
As a Xero user, its Budget Manager function would be more useful to our organisation if we could edit and choose the categories, be it a P&L item or a balance sheet item.
We have quite a bit of Research and Development which go to the balance sheet and there is no option to allocate a budget to that area.Alternatively, if a generic budget could be created where just a lumpsum amount is allocated it could be helpful as we have intergraded ApprovalMax to Xero - This would allow us to report on which classification of expense is using the budget. Kind of like reverse tracking of the budget vs actual.
Having flexibility on budget tracking, to match it individual organisational needs, would make this function more usable and attractive to consumers like myself and others who have complained about this.
Nicholas Verginis commented
My Board are very critical of the layout and it reduces confidence in the accounting system if the reports are not easily understood by Directors. Customising the accounts in a budget report is an urgent function that Xero needs to fix asap.
Charlie Brand commented
Please Xero could you add in a budget manager edit function. Alphabetical order rather than cost code order/groups means our categories are all jumbled. We'd need this to mirror our custom P&L for management reporting.
Jane Buck commented
Please add in a way to customise the budget on the budget management tool. Would be ideal to add new rows, delete unwanted rows, change data and be able to separate the nominal codes from the description. Also, if there was a way to add say 2% from the average of the past 12 months to the next 12 month projection, that would be amazing! :) thank you.
Selwyn Gishen commented
If you are going to add this kind of feature why not do it properly the first time? The budget should follow the same format as the chart of accounts or the income statement.
Viljoen Visagie commented
Currently in Xero on the Profit and loss I have created a new custom layout the problem however is that this new default does not pull through to the other Common formats thus for each area such as budget variance, compare tracking field I have to create a new custom template from scratch.
My solution would thus be if you select a custom report as default it updates the other common formars automatically.
Kathryn Fuller commented
Adding to the requests for customizable budget manager! We would really like to be able to add/remove/organize categories to match our income statement and existing budget spreadsheet for continuity across the board.
Jez Nolan commented
The ability to create groups for budgeting rather than budget figures having to be done on each individual account.
Liana Kristanto commented
Xero, it would be great if Budget manager can be customized like this:
1. Be able to change the order of the account and hide the other accounts with no balance to make it simpler.
2.Grouping a few accounts together and input the new title in the budget for this grouping accounts to make it tidier.Hopefully Xero can consider this suggestion.
Lee Scott commented
I would add my support and weight to this as I have a few clients for whom it would be great to use the same customised format on the P&L on their Budget reports.
jane brant commented
It would also be great to see a running total so that I can see how the budget affects our bottom line.
Nicholas Verginis commented
Ditto all the comments below about how critical this is. It looks very unprofessional from the Board's perspective that the Overall Budget is listed in alphabetical order. It is a huge flaw in Xero's products and is enough for the Board to ask me to look for alternative software products. If the Budget Manager, Summary and Variance does not mirror the customised options for P+L, then it undermines the entire package. Please fix this ASAP!
Gillian Hawes commented
I would also like to edit the layout of the Budget Manager report, as it's in a completely different order to our Profit & Loss Account.
Denice Eaton-Heim commented
I've been asking since 2016 to have the Budget Manager by Account CODE, not name.
It adds a considerable amount of time to enter budget information when it is shown by account name.