Inventory - Include supplier’s name and link back to supplier contact list
Ability to have a supplier name and link back to supplier contact list from the inventory.
Purpose: Users can easily have information from which suppliers that they’ve purchased their inventory from, and can easily update any changes within inventory and supplier.

Hi team, while we don't have plans for adding a field for supplier to Inventory items, right now you could run the Payable invoice Detail report to see the purchases of items, and which supplier(s) they've been bought from.
You can also Group/Summarise the report by Item Code or Contact, depending on which you want to see together.
Accounts Manager commented
Can a supplier field be added to a product code so the product & supplier are linked. It's useful to use the supplier product codes in an order, as when linking to ApprovalMax the email is sent to the supplier directly with their codes. But if we have 2 suppliers with the same product (maybe different prices), it would be useful to be able to filter / choose only the codes relating to that supplier rather seeing a full list.
Jason Robertson commented
Its important to be able to select the supplier or create a new supplier when doing a PO, creating a product or adding inventory. I have three suppliers for some of the same products I purchase regularly with slightly different sku numbers, pricing etc - it is confusing when ordering. Not only that I can't run reports by supplier to track purchase history or compare/budget for previous/future periods. I really do not understand the logic in this feature not being standard out of the box core functionality.
Will this be added in the future? and if so where is it on the release radar?When you look at everything you can do in Xero - which is great - It makes ZERO sense that an inventory list can not be attributed to, searched for or allocated to its supplier. This is crazy! Being told to add the supplier to the description or the sku is ridiculous.
Jason Robertson commented
Its important to be able to select the supplier or create a new supplier when creating a purchase order, creating a product or adding inventory. I have three suppliers for some of the same products I purchase regularly with slightly different sku numbers, pricing etc - it is confusing when ordering. Not only that I can't run reports by supplier to track purchase history or compare/budget for previous/future periods. I really do not understand the logic in this feature not being standard out of the box core functionality.
Will this be added in the future? and if so where is it on the release radar?When you look at everything you can do in Xero - which is great - It makes ZERO sense that an inventory list can not be attributed to, searched for or allocated to its supplier. This is crazy! Being told to add the supplier to the description or the sku is ridiculous.
Les Tasnady commented
Using the payable invoice detail is of no use whatsoever. The urgent need for the supplier to be on the inventory list - should be obvious! Especially for reports like price lists etc. But then there is no function to increase product prices by a % which says it all.
Stephen Hutton commented
This first accounting program I used that does not have this information
I am surprised it’s not available and we are now looking for program that does have this
It should be a simple link I am told by assets management tech that write software
We are lucky we do not have thousands of products and services but I do need a list for staff to know which supplier for what items -
Jennifer Edwards commented
If I get asked to order a particular part, I have no way of knowing who the supplier is as Xero is set up now through inventory to carry out this task. The situation relies on someone being available at that time who knows who the supplier is and can communicate that to me.
Paul Radford commented
Most purchase ordering systems allow for primary and secondary suppliers. I find it odd that xero does not do this. I see the PO's are tied to a supplier. filtering products by supplier can have many advantages. Xero is an excellent application, but the more i get into it, lacks many basic and simple features.
Carolyne Rushton commented
This is critical to us as we manufacture cars. Certain products have to be purchased directly from the sub contractors that have designed and have the drawings to make the component. We may only order an item once every couple of years so need a way to ensure we dont forget where we purchased the item from.
Lisa Beech commented
This would make the ordering of more product extremely easy as we would need to track down the bills wasting valuable time.
Anthony Nixon commented
I have found this feed and believe that this is critical. Is there any updates on the ability to do this
Amanda Hubley commented
This would hugely simplify updating product prices. This would also mean that we wouldnt have to be as clever with the product code conventions to try and differentiate between which products are from where. Even if it was just an extra field on the product details that didnt tie to anywhere but came up on the export of products it would be useful.
Les Tasnady commented
To have the supplier entered on the product so that reports can be sorted by supplier
Josh Hallam commented
This would make filtering products so much easier, especially when trying to exports a list of products to implement price changes. At present we have to export all product lines, amend the ones that need updating then import them back in.
Diane Khwaja commented
Updating a price increase would be easier if I could export / sort by supplier.
Nicole Boskovich commented
We have recently trialled a software that syncs with Xero and have since decided to solely use Xero. However, while trialling the other software we found they offered a great solution to our issue of not being able to enter suppliers invoices and capturing the inventory as we pay this supplier under one monthly statement. An example to hopefully make this easier to understand is, we purchase our inventory from Suppliers A, B & C (non-billers) throughout the month. We still receive invoices from them, but the costs are charged to our account with Supplier Z. We pay all of these suppliers at the end of the following month directly to Supplier Z (Biller). Because we don't pay suppliers A, B & C directly we can't enter their invoices into Xero to be able to see our running total with each supplier or enter the inventory purchased from them against our sales invoices. The other software we trialled aloud us to enter suppliers A, B & C's invoices and when Supplier Z's monthly statement came in we were able to check off suppliers A, B & C's invoices entered in Xero against their statement and it was paid directly to Supplier Z. Having this feature aloud us to see our running total for the month and enter our inventory used against each sales invoice. Once supplier Z is paid, all of the non biller invoices were marked as paid.
As of Mar 2023 I can see that my suggestion does not appear to have been looked at. This is still a critical feature for our business as we needed to look up a part we ordered from one of our A, B or C suppliers to see when we last purchased it. We couldn't use the inventory feature in Xero to do this as we are unable to capture this information so this meant we had to go back through months of Supplier Z's statements and then each individual invoice to track down the last time we purchased a particular part. A very time consuming process with such a simple fix for Xero to create. If were able to enter the part# in Xero's Products pageit would have brought up the invoice numbers that the part was purchased on, saving a lot of time.
Nublu Pool and Spa Care commented
We need a "Supplier" field for each ITEM, as some items purchased come from different suppliers. It's easier to see it at hand, then searching through past bills.
Celine Grech commented
This is essential especially when creating Purchase Orders.
For the time being we are using a workaround, where in the Product fields, we put the Supplier name in the Purchase Description field instead of the product description itself. It's the only way we can work through the inventory according to supplier name. -
Celine Grech commented
We stock almost 4000 items and have 60+ suppliers. In order to create a Purchase Order from a Supplier, we need to check the inventory item quantities from that supplier. This is not currently possible and is such a basic request.
So Xero needs to:
- Add a field to show from which Supplier an inventory item was purchased.
- Allow the Inventory Item list to be filtered out by Supplier. -
Tina Strecker commented
Also an ability to sort by the various columns in these reports ... also a feature on your competitors software.
Tina Strecker commented
It's really important to be able to quickly see who a particular product has been invoiced to. We could use this on our previous accounting software and would be needing to go back to it if this feature isn't added. Unfortunately