Batch Payments: Show customer names in Bank Reconciliation instead of 'multiple items'
Ability to display customer names when users reconcile batch payments.
Purpose: It saves users’ time from having to open the payment individually to check the customer’s name.

Carole-Ann Beal commented
Having set up a payment run in the form of 'adding a planned date' for numerous invoices, it would be lovely to have the option to select all to be marked and paid and for a remittance to be sent, but for the transactions to appear on the bank reconciliation individually as opposed to as a singular lump sum payment. Couldn't there be a toggle option to opt to show the payments individually or in bulk? Having to mark each one as paid individually and then separately sending each remittance advice does not seem particularly time efficient. It would also be nice to have the option to automatically send a remittance advice when a payment is made, as opposed to having to manually select to send on each occasion.
Optimus Fintech commented
You can also check with Optimus Bank reconciliation team for expert advice on bank reconciliation to sort this out.
Neville Gardner commented
The problem is just another tedious time wasting non feature that Xero seems to be plagued with.
Ben Tooke commented
Where you have set up a batch payment for "multiple items", it would be extremely useful if on the bank reconciliation page if it gave you a mini list underneath of which invoices in the batch are being paid.
Otherwise, if someone does set up a batch payments for the same amounts, it is very easy to just press "OK" on the bank reconciliation page and offest payments to the wrong suppliers, as well as leading to other errors.
It is a little cumbersome to have to click on "Find & Match" and then click on the "multiple items" option to find out who has been paid.
I think the reconciliation box is big enough to give more detail, especially if you reduce the font size of "Payment: multiple items" and "Ref: Batch Payment".
See the attachment for example.
Yazz Bhatti commented
The only way I have gotten round this is to no longer reconcile a payment for multiple invoices or bills and go in manually note that a payment has been received on each bill and then go back to reconcile them one by one. It is a painful process.
Batch reconciliation does not work as intended. It is not fit for purpose and I don't think anyone at Xero cares about this quite fundamental 'feature'...
Just let us change references and/or customer names when doing batch reconciliation - STOP writing 'multiple items' - it is useless.
Elizabeth Arnott commented
This is crucial as when reconciling I have no idea which company has paid as the batch reference is also not pulled through. Also when searching by customer name to match amounts, these entries do not appear
Stacey Smith commented
On the Bank Reconciliation Summary report, in the description column, when more than one bill was paid on the same check, it says "Payment: multiple item" instead of showing the contact that was paid. Why??? Of all places, on my list of outstanding items, I want to see to whom these checks were written. Please change this. This is our best moment of opportunity for fraud detection and it is obscured with "multiple item" which has zero relevance on this report.