Email Templates - Option to select different font for outgoing emails
Ability to have options to select different fonts for outgoing emails.
Purpose: To make users outgoing emails more presentable when they send it to their customers/clients.

Hi everyone, we've released a new send modal for new invoicing in Xero. As part of this update you now have a rich text editor that allows for small formatting changes such as bold, italics, underlining and the ability to insert emojis.
You'll also find other improvements like the ability to cc and bcc emails, and have more visibility of your emails and the PDF of the invoice with a preview on the left of the screen.
While this is limited to new invoicing at present, we will look into surfacing this to other areas of the product over time. We'll let you know of any further change for this, here.
Jack Hutton-Atkins commented
We should be able to remove the invoice amount from the email. This is inappropriate that we can't edit an email before sending it to a client.
Kristan Paul commented
You really need to add the ability to change the headers. It's really poor that the system sends emails which I cannot control the content of.
I've had to stop using the email invoice feature as I think it's really unprofessional having a huge invoice total amount displayed at the top of the email. I'm having to save a pdf and manually email it over.
Please, please make all of the email templates editable.
Ben Ablewhite commented
The fact that we can't edit email headers is a big problem. In our case, the biggest concern is with the invoice email header - it displays the price in a needlessly massive, bold font and with tax added. In the UK, businss-to-business sales are subject to tax but, because it's offset, the number we care about is the price without tax. As things stand, a customer who is expecting an invoice for £1,000 will be alarmed to receive an email that says £1,200 in big, bold numbers right at the top of the page. It looks really unprofessional.
Further to that, our company name is unnecessary if it's in the logo, and 'GBP' is not necessary when there's already a £ sign.
Warwick de Zwaan commented
We need to be able to customise the outgoing emails, including fonts, links, footers and signatures. They look terrible as they are.
This applies accross the whole platform: HQ, Tax,Workpapers. We don't want to send invoices or queries or ASK or anything much direct from Xero looking like it is.
Sirinya Thepkrailas commented
That the great Idea As I also want to change to design different Front or addition Highlight in the special word to send to customer.
Alec Sharples commented
I wouldn't say this issue is critical but it is more than just important so it would be a great improvement if we had the ability to format outgoing emails with bold, italic, underlining, coloured fonts, control over the font size etc.
Jason McClean commented
The logo on the template is fine, but I cannot get the email logo to present well, completely fuzzy. Any ideas?
Greg Portelli commented
Ability to have options to select different fonts and different coloured fonts for outgoing emails.