Checks - Print Remittance Advice on check voucher
Ability to only print invoice total on the Check Voucher.
Purpose: Remove un-needed information from the Voucher, and make interaction with contact more professional

Chris Van Niekerk commented
Agree with comments below, but this one seems pretty straight forward. Xero please fix.
The check stubs are very confusing. There should be one line per bill with just invoice number and amount. There should also be the ability to show credit notes as it's very confusing to not have them on the stub when paying multiple invoices.
Kim Lehr commented
I agree - vendor does not need to know how their bill is getting recorded in our accounting records. vendor only needs to know that the payment being remitted is to be applied to their invoice #123 for X amount. it is also important for the vendor's account number to be noted somewhere on the payment voucher or the check memo in order to ensure that the payment will be applied to the correct account. not even sure why xero has a place to input the vendor's account number if it isn't going to be noted somewhere on the check or check voucher. please add this field to the check printing options.
michelle pease commented
We recently decided to stop writing checks and start printing checks.
Not happy to discover the check voucher doesn't show just 1 reference line for each invoice paying and total. Our bills can have multiple line items and we pay more than 1 invoice at a time. This information will not fit on the voucher and isn't necessary.
I see the various complaints, any suggestions on a work around. -
We need the check voucher to only give a grand total for the total paid and the vendors invoice # as it applies to each invoice included in the check. We also need the check voucher to include any applied credit memos and the amount of the credit that is applied (we don't always use the full credit amount).
We would also like the ability to apply discounts on checks as we select the bills we want to pay with a check box click, instead of editing the PO and adding my 2% discount on every line item (big pain in the butt process) quickbooks does. There should also be a report called "Check Register" where you can input a check number and all the details for that payment populates.
The vendor also wants to see the credits that are applied on this stub so they can match their records to mine. Xero does not allow for that which is a big pain in the butt. For what we pay for this software it should be easier to use.
Miyuki Gerald commented
We need the check voucher to only give a grand total for the total paid as it applies to each invoice included in the check. We also need the check voucher to include any applied credit memos and the amount of the credit that is applied (we don't always use the full credit amount).
In my records I will input it breaking out freight and early pay discounts for my business purposes, but the vendor only wants to see the grand total. The vendor also wants to see the credits that are applied on this stub so they can match their records to mine. Xero does not allow for that which is problematic. -
Diane David commented
We find the pertinent information is not on check stub. If two bills are being paid with one check, it is not listed. just the info in the memo line gets printed small at the top. All this extraneous info being printed under reference is not needed, is confusing bc it isn't even all the info, and wastes ink. This whole area of the check stub should be customizable, or more important info selections should be offered on the layout option.
Kate Long commented
The check stubs are very confusing. There should be one line per bill with just invoice number and amount. There should also be the ability to show credit notes as it's very confusing to not have them on the stub when paying multiple invoices.
Mindy Swartz commented
There should be one line per bill, showing the bill reference number and the total amount paid for that bill
Alice Tay commented
Voucher should not show invoice line item information. For some clients, this extraneous detail is displaying information that may be sensitive, that should not be available to clerks handling cheques.
Colin Chong commented
What would solve the issue of having the limitation of 10 line items is having the option of printing just 1 voucher rather than 2. This would give the ability to print many more item lines
Brandon Favel commented
Having so much unnecessary data makes our clients look extremely unprofessional. There should be one line item per invoice (not per line item from the invoice) showing the invoice number, invoice date, and amount paid. It causes a lot of frustration when having to generate a remittance slip to go along with the cheque to the supplier.
Colin Chong commented
Echo this comment "Definitely need to make this change. Suppliers need to know which invoices are being paid with a cheque. Listing 10 invoices and "XX more" doesn't cut it for any supplier that I know. It causes confusion for the supplier and frustration for bookkeepers."
Yvonne Groenen commented
It is making our clients look extremely unprofessional when making payments.
Susan Schlaak commented
Voucher should have just the line with their invoice # (or Reference #) and total. Not a line for every breakdown in our system. Multiple invoices should be listed just as the invoice number and total for that invoice
Brandon Favel commented
Definitely need to make this change. Suppliers need to know which invoices are being paid with a cheque. Listing 10 invoices and "XX more" doesn't cut it for any supplier that I know. It causes confusion for the supplier and frustration for bookkeepers.
Norman Ravagnani commented
Our suppliers don't understand what we are paying - check voucher stub is confusing to them