Bank reconciliation - Import spend & receive money transactions
An import template for importing bank spend and receive money transactions. Now that Datadear is longer available for Xero clients as an app there is no way to import bank transactions

Susan McCraw commented
Most of the receive money bank transactions we receive; all get posted to the one account and we do not have invoices in Xero for them. It would be great if we could import a CSV file from our booking site into Xero for the receive money transactions.
Lydia Ng commented
We've many cash sales but no invoice is issued. It's time-saving if we can import the cash receipts as "receive money" transaction in bulk with csv file.
David Protheroe commented
We have cash sales on-line, which are converted outside Xero into .csv files. Currently I import them as invoices, even though the customer won't see the invoices, and then match them to the payment. It would be more efficient to import them as receive money transactions.
Oliver Yap commented
This would save countless hours and make the use of Xero so much more efficient
David Benady commented
It will really help to streamline postings, especially as when entering from the bank statement you cant easily enter a reference
Accounts Sister commented
Being able to import a spend money or recieve money would extremely helpful and save a lot of time. This feature is available on sage accounting, it should also be available in Xero.
Andrew Syme commented
There is and has been for many years an import tool for Spend / Receive Money in the Xero Conversion Toolbox.
Kate Lawton commented
Exactly the same as other users. This would save 100s of hours of manual work for donations that we receive.
Stephen Briggs commented
This would save hundreds of hours of time.
We get thousands of donations monthly and currently manual data entry is the only thing that works given our reporting conditions for audit.
Please implement this!
Robert Gale commented
Seems a fundamental gap in capability of Xero.
Please add "Import Spend / Receive Money transactions with multiple lines into Xero" to list of requested product enhancements.
It would save a huge amount of work for a lot of people.
Jannie Viljoen commented
It is critical as I did not import bank balance at the strart
Joy Coffey commented
I would like to take an excel spreadsheet and import it into the spending lines. Given the required format that I could adjust to, this would take away so much manual labour.
Lianne Elsdon commented
I would like the ability to be able to import a Spend Money file. I have 1 that I have to post every week that is over 100 lines and posting it manually is very time consuming, so an import function would be a great help
David Fowle commented
I used to work in financial software and whenever our clients asked for CSV upload capability into our system we always pointed them to our APIs instead. Perhaps that is Xero's thinking - either way it would be nice to know Xero - please can you give us some guidance here Xero support.
Thanks -
Aileen Asche commented
I accidentally flagged this an inappropriate but that was by accident! I think this is very important to be able to import into Xero without having it hit the bank reconciliation lines. I want to be able to import all the payroll checks that were issued by paper check (entering as spend money transactions) without having to put in one by one. Then when the checks clear they would match to the bank feed or imported statement line. We can import so many other things... why not spend/receive money transactions?
Katja Curtis commented
This is important in order to be able to import pre-payments from customers prior to conversion date. Currently I need to process these pre-payments manually in order for my Accounts Receivable conversion balance to be correct!
David Fowle commented
Just to confirm Kim - the product idea here is to be able to import / bulk create ledger transactions in Xero? If so I whole heartedly agree and am surpirsed this is not already possible.
My use case: (we are a charity) If I have a receipt bank statement line of £10 this can be made up of multiple donations to different funds. Each of these donations can be extracted from Stripe or the donations software as a CSV - so I'd like to import that CSV into Xero to create the underlying transactions and thereby keep the fund balances correct but currently I have to manually create each transaction in Xero and then rec. -
Zev Hershkowitz commented
This is very important for bank transactions that have to be split into multiple accounts.
I'm losing faith in Xero. Suddenly QuickBooks pricing seems justified.