AU Payroll | Include DOB & start date in Employee Contact Details report
Ability to generate a report with start dates for all employees as well as birthday dates reports.
Jonn Stewart commented
Super Fund Name too!!!
Jonn Stewart commented
How is this not available now? Base rate should also been listed. Xero reporting is shocking.
Jerry Mathew commented
Nesar Ahmed commented
Highly important.
Collis Marrett commented
And the ability to specify an "as at" date for the report. At present your only choice is the current day.
Annie Newton commented
The report would also be more useful if you could filter by employees paid in a certain financial year. Many businesses employ backpackers who only tend to stay for 3 months so the list of terminated employees over the years becomes extensive. Without being able to filter by financial year, the report isn't very helpful at all
Maggie Kavanagh commented
Accounting - Employee Contact Details Report - need to allow user to select more columns/fields. Why is it so basic? Can't even include DOB.
Katie Walters commented
It's very time consuming to work through all employee records to find their start dates - especially when you have over 50 employees.
A report which would state their start dates would be very helpful. -
Naomi Gibbins commented
Actually, let us select what we want to show on the reports with a simple tick box.
Will King commented
and TFNs