User Permissions - History recorded of role changes and ability to add description
There is currently no record of changes to User registrations in the xero file. This is a failure of audit processes.
A description for each user would be handy to identify the role of each person within the Organisation.
A start and End date would allow for Temporary access arrangements.

Nathan Cipperly commented
Auditing standards require us to check the appropriateness of user roles within an organisation over time. We are unable to meet the auditing standard requirements in ISA 315R with the current functionality. Surely this information is logged somewhere in the database, so I would imagine its just a matter of buliding a report to summary and present it.
Bridgitte Harley commented
Totally agree. A log is essential to know when users are changed. A huge risk to confidentiality. Today I have just discovered an admin team member has magically been set on a much higher user level than I originally set. A huge breach of confidentiality. She has now seen business bank transactions that she should not have eg salary payments to other staff members. Horrified
BB&S Admin commented
Agree - we had an issue today where all our administrators had their access to the practice's Xero account upgraded from expense submitter only to full advisor access.Obviously this is a huge confidentiality risk and we have no idea how it happened or how to prevent it happening again.
Today we encounter role changed issue, but unable to identify the when and who did it. Am really surprise this product does not have user permissions changed history, pls get this feature up asap...
Cassandra Guy commented
This is important for our organisation.
Kim Fay commented
Yes. A n important security feature to add.
Esp related to Bank Account Contact admin access. -
Freya Pieroz commented
I can see that a particular (now ex-)user made changes to transactions, but I cannot see when their access was removed, nor can I see what email address they were using to log in - this means that I can't differentiate easily between work done by users with similar, generic names.
Ashley Garrone commented
The ability to view User Access History is critically important for businesses in relation to system security. To view who made the change to what level of access, and when it occurred.
Emma Bonete commented
Critical requirement for IT security audit - to know who did what and when.
Jo Threlfo commented
definitely needed every user should have their own login
Nicole Lothian commented
Yes, The more we know who is on a file and can grant access for when they need it the better