AU & UK Payroll - Show leave balances on payslip in days and hours
Show leave balances on payslip in days and hours and not just hours. Easier for staff to understand their leave balances in days than only in hours.

Byron Mawanda commented
Everyone refers to their annual leave in days and NEVER in hours so it fair to assume that an accounting software that is easy to use should have the option of leave in days.
Outside of finance people no one is interested in how many hours of leave they have.
With hours employees are required to calculate the days for that balance to make sense to them.
Tracey Merrin commented
I will not use the leave function of payroll at present as showing the leave in hours is confusing for the employee. It needs to be shown in days as it is salaried staff so they do not need the leave calculated in hours. Please let me know when this will become a function on Xero as the leave remaining needs to be shown on monthly payslips. Thank you
Louise Gostling commented
For companies with salaried staff, as we have, it would be so much easier to have an option for leave in days, rather than hours. It is unnecessarily confusing in hours. Please sort this out for us Xero.
Sharon Benjamin commented
I won't use the Leave function until this is implemented. Having it in hours is just time consuming and confusing. Staff contact e to ask for clarification so it's just taking up too much of my time, when it should be something really simple.
As a result, I currently use another app for our holiday recording.
Come on Xero - this was originally posted 2 years ago! -
Silvia Crawford commented
It is not ideal to use this functionaliry when it only creates confusion with the staff.
We should ahve the choice the show the balance in days to avoid this confusion. -
Emily Kenyon commented
The payslip currently shows leave balances including leave booked but not yet taken, if you show the leave balance on the payslip. This could be confusing for employees leading them to think they have more leave than they do.
Change this so that it shows:
Leave hours left to book:
Leave hours booked not yet taken: -
Jain Jameson commented
I wont use the holiday part of the payroll unless this is implemented.
Miranda Mills commented
When will this be available this is essential!
Carolyn Bezett commented
This should be an option of either hours, days or $amount. My employees find it to hard to understand the payslips leave at the moment, so we are having to do a report outside the system. Not good practice
Grever Maribi Nunez Ruiz commented
Most of my clients want to see the holidays in their employee payslips in days not in hours!!!
Ashleigh Jones commented
The lack of this feature alone has caused me to purchase additional software to make leave requests more user friendly.
Jesus Pastor commented
All full time staff said they would prefer to see the number of days.
Also, bank holidays , Xero should give the option to hide on payslips. -
Sara Elphick commented
remove the "in hours" on the leave accrual would make a world of difference. why allow us to add our own unit type in when the accrual defaults to say "in hours"
Nadine Hyslop commented
This should be an option to choose between hours/days/weeks. Legally we should be displaying alternative holidays in DAYS because the actual hours paid out when taking the alternative day off is based on an average - not how much you have banked. We could already be under or overpaying our employees Xero!
I agree the annual/holiday pay is confusing and almost every employee has asked me for an explanation. -
Kath Kitchen commented
Employment law says Annual leave is 20 days. It is very confusing for staff, and we have to keep a paper record to show them days due, and taken. Staff need to know days not hours.
Tracy McGuigan commented
Have a number of employees confused over the $ part of holidays and think they are accruing 80 hours rather than $80 per pay period. They just don't understand why annual leave is in hours and holiday pay is in dollars
Lindsey Gaskin Dodd commented
Showing days worked rather than hours on payslips
Rob Jones commented
Payslips to have option to show nr of Days rather than hours
darren farrugia commented
staff would find this easier to understand instead of getting out a calculator to work out how many days they have in leave balances