Bank Reconciliation - Search by reference within Account Transactions
We need the ability to search by reference within Account Transactions. The new search bar in the top appears to search reference fields, but not the search field under Account Transactions.

Andrew Poloway commented
I regularly make multiple purchases from multiple different stores for each quote#. I need to be able to search the "account transactions" tab by the reference column. It's already a column in the tab, just include it in the search results.
After a job, or quote, is done, I need to go back and search transactions to see how much was spent on that specific job. So what I'd like to do, is during reconciliation enter the associated quote# for each transaction in the reference field. My work around now is in the "who" field, I have to put (store name)(quote#) which makes that searchable in the transactions tab but Xero also like to create a contact for everything you enter in the "who" field. So if I end making 6 different purchases from 6 different stores for a quote, I know have 6 new contacts (Home Depot 2336, Lowes 2336, etc)
Tracking categories doesn't cut it. Way too many steps, and my understanding is theres a limit to how many categories you can have.
Rochelle Dalziel commented
Adding my support for this product "idea", which used to be available but appears to have been discounted in favour of using the Reports functions. I don't want to run a report on a list of transactions in our credit card account, I want to search for transactions using a specific reference as noted in the Reference field that I populate when I reconcile these transactions.
I find it really useful to be able to click on these transactions to edit or view them in full, from the bank transactions screen. I really don't want to resort to using Reports and going back and forth between screens and functions to do what I need to do. It's frustrating and time consuming.Please reinstate searching by reference.
Orhan Guzel commented
Please implement this, as it is ctitical part of our reconcilation. I can't beleive to date there is NOT a full search function within Xero...
Philip Hulett commented
Invoice references are used elsewhere and it would very useful to be able to search under Account Transactions.
People of 2050 commented
We recently had an audit and we had to search for everything manually. This feature is extremely important.
Brooke Gowen commented
This would be really useful and I'm surprised that it isn't already a feature. What's the point of giving transactions references and descriptions if they somehow can't be searched easily. For example, anything to do with a vehicle I always reference it with the number plate. But I can search in 'Account Transactions' using the number plate nothing comes up. I can't get a full-history of transactions for that vehicle. I still need to manually search the mechanic, the registry office etc.
KJ Garner commented
Super critical to be able to sort and search by this.
Dean Wilson commented
I would request it be from the Bank Accounts > Accounts Transactions page, where it says " Description or contact name" Better yet would be the universal search.
Derek Wood commented
This is a much needed feature! When coding payments to the GL to reconcile them, I use the Reference field to further categorise the transaction for reporting, foolishly thinking I could use the search function in Account Transactions to find them.
Please add this feature.
Hi Andrew, just to check would this be in the Bank Accounts > Accounts Transactions page, or the Account Transactions report?