Permission - Ability to choose either or both Sales, PO, quotes and Invoice for Invoice Only user
Invoice only user role that allows you to pick and choose either or both Sales and Purchase orders. quotes and invoices. At the moment you can only have Sales or Purchase IO otherwise you have to make standard user which is not helpful.

Maria Li Volti commented
I totally agree why can't we have user role which allows to be able to pick either or Both Sales and Purchase orders, quotes and invoices.
Can we please have Xero Support look at adding this function as it would prove most helpful for some clients.
Jane Clarke commented
To be able to operate efficiently with the number of staff we have this is very important to help make the office and business more productive.
Steve Ziara commented
Internal Controls are a must have.
Julie Chisholm commented
I completely agree with this point about weak internal controls and I'd go even further and point out that for us, this is causng a potential GDPR breach. If I allow a user access to approve invoices for her project, she automatically sees all invoices and expense claims for everyonce. The invoices contain sensitive data which (in the case of sole traders) is often personal data. The expense claims for other employess should always be a personal matter between the employee and the line manager. The options here are either a) I restrict everyone's access and dothe whole lot myself (which simply is not possible) or b) I give staff access in the way Xero is currently structured, knowing that I am exposing sensitive data inappropriately. If this is not resolved soon, we may have to move away from Xero to a an alternative software package where I can restrict user access as necessary. I am surprised that this is even an isue. I would have thought this would be a fundamental requiremetn in an accounting software package and built in right from the start.
Isis Ramos commented
Currently Xero User Roles are only applicable to small businesses. For bigger businesses with multiple departments and branches, however, the User Roles flexibility are limited which causes weak internal control. Example of additional User Roles needed for bigger companies:
*Purchase Order preparation Only, with view only access to bills - Purchase orders are usually done by specific department while Bills is for accounting, P.O. and Bills access level should be separated
*Purchase Order Approval Only with view only access to bills - Same reason as above
*Draft Bills Only with view access to Purchase Orders and ability to convert P.O. to bills - Same reason as above.
*Approved Invoices/Bills can only be edited by its Approver or those with Adviser User Role. If there are multiple approver, one should not be be given freedom to edit invoice approved by another person. Currently, anyone with sales/purchase role can edit any invoices/bills, even those approved by another person. This results to very weak internal control.