Reporting: Account Transactions report - Option to remove the contact name from the description column
Can we have the option to toggle or remove the contact name from the description column (ie in Account Transactions) so it is not duplicated and the description contains only the description now that we have the option to add Contact as a separate column which is a great new feature?
David Protheroe commented
Can we also see "item" as a separate column as an option in Account Transactions.
Lorraine Swan commented
Jayathu Deshapriya commented
For the moment when you run the account transactions report for Bank / petty cash / credit card accounts which are created as bank accounts as Xero suggests, you will only see the contact name even if you select the description column (report will be shown the contact name in both fields). This is very annoying, specially when you are trying to see what the nature of a particular transaction is, specially when you are dealing with 100s of daily transactions in petty cash. The current solution suggested by Xero is to include the Description in the reference field. Rather than this solution, why not enable the description field in the Account transaction report??
John Davies commented
It's just common sense, a contact name is known, the range of items costed that a contact's bill lists, can be quite large, the same name (contact's name) on every different item purchased on that bill, as that items description, is crazy.