Bank Reconciliation - Make the Find & Match window expandable
On the find and match screen, can we have the ability to expand the size of the window showing the list of transactions, so we spend less time on scrolling. The find and match shows 50 invoices at a time, but you have to scroll to see them.
Ben Bayley commented
The find and match screen for received payments of invoices is too small. You are constantly having to scroll up and down the list and back and forth between the next screen when you have 50 or so invoices to match to one payment. Can we please make this screen expandable and include more transactions. Thanks
Stuart Mohamed commented
Yes, totally agree with Jain. This seems like it could be a reasonably uncomplicated change that would save me heaps of time. I have one or two customers who pay 300+ invoices at a time and I am forever scrolling.