Sales Invoice - Select "reply to" email address from dropdown
SO annoying that when we want to send an invoice using a different email address we have to always go into "Settings > Email Settings" to change the email address and then go back into it to change back once done. Why cannot we select the "reply to" email address from a drop down just like the "email template"?

Brett Guise commented
This is quite a big issue for us actually. We are aquiring a new arm to our business with a different name and have setup the branding themes and email templates. Only to find that the email address that its sent from us pre set as our default which has a different trading name. Both arms of the business are under the same LTD company but the emails we send need to be specific for that brand.
If this suggestion is picked up, realistically when could this be implemented? After using Xero for over 10 years this may be a make or break for us as a company.
Mark Gensler commented
Yes! It would be great to be able to set the reply to address as part of an Email Template, rather than having to change it via organisation level settings.
Christopher Stubbs commented
Agree with you 💯.
Invoices, receipts and remittances need to be able to be delivered from a different email to that used for quotes etc.
Anita Pallas commented
Either an option to send invoices and remittances from different email addresses or the ability to set up a user that has read only permissions to issues invoices only.