Repeating Invoice - bulk update of amounts
We are a subscription based business, so it would be great to be able to bulk update repeating invoice amounts. Either by selecting all the ones we'd like to change or by pushing through new inventory/product/service price changes. At the moment we have to change every single repeating invoice and this takes hours and hours!
Thanks for the feedback and great to hear the use you find in repeat templates in Xero.
While there's no way to bulk update templates atm, you may find updating your templates through export & import of invoices more helps quicken things up?
You could export invoices that have been generated from your template to CSV, update the amounts in the exported file, and then re-import.
This will create 'Draft' invoices in your Xero org from which you can create a Repeat template and then delete the draft. 🙂
April Jenkin commented
Kerrin Paget commented
Unfortunately using the export/import function is still slow, we really need a way of easily updating pricing with new unit prices for products, particularly in light of yet another price increase announced from Xero today.
The admin involved in handling subscriptions on your behalf is increasing all the time - please help us to do this efficiently! -
Catie Lake commented
Dear Xero Team ... Surely, to implement this, it just needs a simple checkbox adding (coding I can't help you with) to force a product to follow the current unit price? If left unchecked it will stick at the fixed price set on creation of the invoice. Yes? No?
I changed the ID of a product recently and that changed right across all invoices including the repeating invoices! So I know it's possible.
David Clark commented
Unfortunately you won't get an answer past 'No' on this from Xero. I had a thread on the old Xero Community site going back to 2016 with HUNDREDS of comments asking for the same feature. Eventually Xero stopped responding.
Who's the mug though, because here I am 7 years later still having to manually adjust thousands of invoices. If I was starting again I would definitely avoid Xero because of this.
Rachel Kirk commented
Agree with below. This would be really useful when the standard cost / pricing of products and services are changed that these can be pushed through into recurring invoices in bulk - changing them all individually, even if it's on an export / import spreadsheet is cumbersome and time consuming and open to significant human error
Dan Tyler commented
Exporting to change to import and delete is just as cumbersome if not quite as monotonous. Not a great workaround.
I've seen third party app developers saying they can integrate with xero to do this (I've no idea if they actually can or not) but it's surprising xero wouldn't keep things in house, rather than seeing others use functionality and get paid for it, when they could just do it themselves.
Not to mention the customers they must have lost to other platforms that have the functionality? -
Christine Wallace commented
We use repeating invoices for billing our clients for their Xero subscriptions. It would be great if when the price in products and services for an item used in the repeating invoice automatically updated in the repeating invoice.
Kerrin Paget commented
I totally agree, either a bulk update function or the ability to update item prices and apply the change across repeating invoices. We have around 1500 repeating monthly invoices that go out, and it take hours to amend pricing.
Your idea of exporting & importing then creating repeating invoices from a draft will not save time. -
Sam Hornell commented
Totally agree, this is just a basic bit of account invoicing operation and causes a huge amount of work when you have to go through every invoice line by line to refresh and update the pricing. This is stone age stuff. Raised it last year prior to doing our annual pricing updates but sadly it has just been confirmed that no progress has been made.
Come on Xero, time to raise your game!!
ted walsh commented
I have to concur with the comments below. the repeating invoice tools are poorly implemented & thought through. We have close to 1500 repeating monthly invoices and need the ability to dynamically update our pricing and apply inflationary increases in bulk. seems easy enough when it comes to value added taxes and let’s face it for Xero themselves to slap on their annual hike, why can’t we do the same easily?
Paula Bishop commented
Another vote for this request. It would certainly save a lot of time (and potential errors).
JOHN MCGRATH commented
The ability to amend Repeating Invoices in Bulk is critical to Businesses with Recurring Income Streams. Please give this feature the consideration it merits and include in Xero Updates.
Louis de Kock commented
Hi Joseph...
If Xero was to allow an option for repeating invoice amounts to update from the line item amounts (like all other accounting packages do) this would resolve this issue as you could simply update your item price before the next invoice run the invoices would be generated with the correct amounts.
We are also considering other options as it is becoming hugely time consuming to update our prices (which change monthly) for an increasing number of repeating invoices. Sad thing is the amount of line items is like 10 for all these invoices, so a 2-day process could take 5 minutes if we had the option for prices to update from the product prices.
Joseph Page commented
Absolutely critical update for us and many.
We have thousands of repeating invoices for customers. Having to edit each one manually to implement a price rise every year is incredibly time consuming and costly.
We need the ability to export the repeating invoices in bulk - make changes in a spreadsheet (quick and easy) then import the new data (with price changes)....Failure to update this system will unfortunately mean at some point we will have to move our invoicing elsewhere..
Louis de Kock commented
We have been asking for this very simple feature ever since we started using Xero 4 years ago. It's something all other cloud accounting packages like Quickbooks is able to do by default.
The way repeating invoices have been implemented by Xero is backwards and makes no sense, it's as if the developers don't care about how much extra labour they are creating for clients by refusing to implement something so straight forward.
We also do subscription based services with invoices exceeding 1000 per month, our pricing changes on a monthly basis meaning we have to sit for DAYS each billing run to update prices before invoices can be sent.
Alternative is simply select option for repeating invoices to update from line item prices, which would make the updating of prices a 5 minute process instead of days.
Exporting and importing doesn't make the process much faster, it's still over 1000 invoices that have to be updated and checked every month, and as a previous poster commented this opens the door for mistakes to creep in.
kevin eaton commented
plus one vote from me - it makes sense to be able to do this.
Cheryl Edgtton commented
Cathy is correct - errors can happen easily when you have to manually update all invoices as well as the possibility of missing some invoices to update.
John is correct too - allow prices to refresh to the latest price from the inventory. -
Cheryl Edgtton commented
I have over 500 repeat invoices set up and they are all different using one or two different inventory items on each one depending on their level of membership and if they want electronic or paper subscription. Multiple options for each invoice.
When an inventory item price is updated, it should automatically update across all repeating invoices, having to go through and update > 500 invoices one by one is ridiculous. -
John Jacobson commented
Your solution is almost as tedious as just editing each invoice manually.
The obvious solution is to have an option to allow prices to refresh to the lastest price from the inventory when the new repeating invoice is created. You could also add this feature to when you copy an invoice (it would be not much extra work).
I currently have almost 100 repeating invoices, and probably will have 100 by the end of the year. Many of them have pricing that is based on USD pricing, so prices can fluctuate significantly throughout a year.
This isn't a major update, when you think about the process of generating the new invoice when it's due. It's a simple extra lookup of the price based on the item code, if the option to update prices on the repeating invoice is selected.
Small improvements like this make a big difference to businesses like mine that use the repeating invoice feature extensiviely.
Cathy Klouwens commented
This is a critical action for our business and I absolutely support this idea - would save hours of time and also the potential for error. Xero please implement this idea!