Invoice Reminders - Set up for a Contact group
It would be great if we could turn automated invoice reminders on and off for contact groups, rather than needing to do it for each individial contact.

Sze Teng Lee commented
this is for sending invoice reminder. currently we have only 1 setting ON/OFF for reminder function, once its ON the same setting will be applied to all invoices.
I would hope that Xero can allow us to make the ON/OFF or custom setting for certain client's invoice.for example, my default reminder setting is
send the 1st reminder on 7days before due date
2nd reminder on 21 days after due date
this will auto apply to all invoicesbut i will have another option for all individual invoice to where follow the default reminder setting OR to have a custom setting for this particular client OR to turn off reminder for this particular client
as not all client have the same setting
Fiona Evans commented
This is something that really needs to be developed as soon as possible.
Natalie Forsythe commented
Currently you can only remove clients who you don't want to get reminders however for our company it would be easier to pick the clients we do want to get reminders.
This could potentially be done by having reminder settings set for groups in the contacts section. That way we can choose terms for each type of client. This would allow us to change terms for clients that have different reminder requirements. Some clients need daily reminders while others might only need weekly reminders.
Another option may be to have the option when completing the invoice so you can choose when its sent if it will require a reminder once overdue and the specific terms you want to set.
Emma-Louise Smith commented
Each customer needs to have the ability to set invoice reminders on different parameters. i.e: a weekly chaser or 2/4 days late... can't fathom why this isn't already an option when your own help pages suggest you can do this!
Gavin Ander commented
Xero use to have this feature but got rid of it.
See at 1:46 - this version of Xero has the ability to click on multiple customers and choose to turn reminders off.Why Xero stopped this time saving feature is beyound me. I do not want to have to open each Customer separately to turn off the "Invoice Reminder" as this is too time consuming.
Xero could you please respond to this thread.
Frederik de Coninck-Smith commented
Totally agree with this. Is this being developed?
Catherine O'Kane commented
It would be good if there was a feature to group customers (according to a common feature), and then be able to assign specific email templates to be sent to that group (eg for invoices being issued, and invoice reminders).
For example, small businesses might like to group customers by:
- payment terms (payment within 7 days, payment in advance, payment via subscription)
- language
- Service type (small business may offer more than one service type, and have different payment terms)A flexible system where business can create a 'Customer Group' and then label the group with free text would allow maximum flexibility of this feature. Then set the range of email templates that may be sent out to members of that group, as well as the emails sent automatically, eg reminder payment on your invoice is due in 2 days. Or invoice overdue reminder.
Katja Curtis commented
It would be great to be able to set up different invoice reminder pipelines, to send reminders at different intervals, to different contact groups or to individual contacts.
Currently I can only exclude contacts from getting *any* reminders, where it would be much better to just set up a different pipeline for those contacts so that they can be reminded differently to everyone else.
Anastasiia Dorodnaia commented
it is strange when you have the reminder to be turn on/off for all but if you need to adjust the client reminder you need to do it one by one manually!
You can manage Xero settings to individually turn off the reminder, but you CAN"T to turn Off (for all) and then turn in on for exact clients! Frustrating. When you have hundreds of clients it is time consuming! It easy do not use this functionality then spend ages to set it up! definitely need to be improved. In current settings it is useless. -
Julika Franke commented
For us it is important to send remeinders in different languages. Some of our templates are in german, some in english. The reminders should work accordingly
Susie Winkler commented
I agree, the invoice reminders go out 7 days after due, which is too early.
Many of our clients pay within the 7 days after due and if I haven't had time to reconcile the payment they get a reminder,
Please let us be able to adjust when we would like to send reminders such as 14 days or a month or manual option. -
Malcolm Elliot commented
It would be helpful if Invoice reminders could be turned off and on in bulk
Yes setting up a group would be good, however it would be useful if this could be achieved in different ways e.g. by being able to go to the contact screen, select customers, and view all customers on one page (rather than the current limit of 200 to a page) => because selections do not carry over if you move from one page to the next.
Urmila Soman commented
Invoices: Invoice reminders customized
Can we have customized invoice reminders as different customers will have different agreement for payment with the client.