AU Payroll - Full data import for Employees
Enable full data import from external data source (say CSV) for all emplolyee data not just basic data. That would allow organisations with more staff to easily migrate to XERO without having to manually re-enter significant volumes of data.

Liddy Korner commented
It's crazy that you cannot import more than just the basics. So time consuming.
Grant Wickes commented
Import pay items from another Xero client that has the same award so you dont have to re-enter the same Pay items.
Kwei Ma commented
Can we please get a upgraded bulk upload new employee feature that the template is not only for the basic personal info but also optional to include TFN, bank account detail, super account, emergency contact, leave type, pay template etc. basically uploading one file and the employee is read for payroll
Hanna De Vries commented
There is a lot of manual data entry to do which is prone to errors. I fully support that Xero should have the option to import ALL employee data.
Sonia Gavirko commented
Allow more options with new employee bulk imports. Right now, you can only create a new employee with their personal details, which is fine, however if you have multiple employees to create, you still need to manually go into each profile to update employment and salary details. Having to still manually go through each profile defeats the purpose of the current bulk import because it takes just about as much time.
To have the functionality to also include employment and salary details in a bulk import would save a lot of time and clicks. For us where our HR platform system is not fully connected with Xero, this option would allow us to create a new employee in that system as well as on Xero from one spreadsheet. Streamlining manual processes like these are critical for growing companies.
The fields I would include for example would be: Employment Type, Income Type, Payroll Calendar, Employee Group, Holiday Group, Ordinary Earnings Rate, Pay Template etc... -
Charleen Anthony commented
BULK IMPORT PAYROLL : Ability to import all bfwd information from another Payroll system into Xero, must include Personal details, BACS details, tax codes, Gross Annual Salaries, Pension contribution %tages, it is archaic to enter all these details manually!!! . At present the Xero Import Template is too basic, it must be adapted to simply add the fields you want to be imported by using the Xero name label. This is basic & can be fixed easily by Xero