Xero Expenses | Labels - Enable filters and reports
Would love for Xero Expense Admin to be able to see Expense Reports listing the Labels, and being filtered/grouped by Labels.
For background, Xero Expense allows employees to put a Label. The Labels can even be pre-set in the organization's settings. But the Xero Expense Admin's don't have a way to report on on expense claims by Labels.
Reporting based on Labels would allow users to tag Xero Expenses for projects for instance.

Thanks everyone - It's good to know how we can enhance Xero expenses for our customers. While we'll consider how we can develop labels in the long term, we don't have any plans for adding filters within expenses or reports for Expenses labels right now.
If there's any updates to share around this I'll definitely share with you all through the idea.
Ha Nguyen commented
With the current function of Labels, it is not much useful.
The label will be more meaningful if there is a report include the label, or the label can be import to the bill/spend money as the reference. This is a good way to track the expense claim.
Mark Sanchez commented
yes! tracking categories are so ridiculously limit (seriously, 4?) that tagging/labeling transactions with as many labels as i want with the ability to filter by multiple labels/tags is a requirement. the potential power is huge! without it, xero is meh.
Jaclyn Ross commented
I wish this existed!
Gael Clarke commented
A report showing the labels field would allow me to use this to export the expense report into Harvest , identifying the particular projects for customers
Arundas TC commented
I want to be able to edit labels on Paid Expenses. (I only submit expenses, not do anything else in Xero.) It's just silly that I cannot add, change or remove labels on expenses that are already paid when I can filter by labels. How can I organize my expenses otherwise?
Tom Duffy commented
Having the extra field of Label on reports would facilitate data upload into CRM. Currently having only the description field (reference is not available in Expenses) means that multiple data data need to be input into that one field and extracted using Excel into multiple fields for upload into CRM. Just adding the reference field into Expenses would also help.
Jo Palmer commented
Labels should be in the admins control not the expense claimant. With the ability to add labels for both the expense claimer and the company admin. Admin should be able to run reports based on the labels for all expenses.
Pete Monk commented
As someone else had commented, being able to create report by labels is vital to our accounting to funders for expenditure. I am literally running an Excel spreadsheet to do it, duplicating what is in Xero!
Melissa Stanton commented
It's frustrating that staff can submit either an expense claim or a mileage claim, but there isn't a way to easily report on JUST mileage claims?
These mileage claims need to be processed (manually) through payroll, and we require a tedious workaround to identify them amongst a long list of "expense claims"
Chris Rose commented
Having this reporting function is a no brainer for any company which is using Xero Expenses. Reporting on the label should really just be like using tracking categories.
I'll go a step further and ask for specific tracking Category xero wide which can label expenses.
Natasha Holmesby commented
Please Xero enable this as a filter on reports ASAP
Tracy Ebbetts commented
I agree with all - this is really important to some of our clients who are using simPRO and need to track the job so we have recommended using labels but then you can't report or filter on this. The link needs to be completed Xero.
Raymond Berglund commented
This is genuinely bizarre that there is a 'tag' function on expenses and then you cannot choose those tags. Xero team, this should be relatively basic, right?
Donna Humphreys commented
I'm confused why they even added the label function if there is no point to it at all. Why add a tracking/ reporting feature if you can't actually report on it?
Hannah Crisp commented
This idea is still needed! Very annoying its a field employees can add to but report can't be run by "label" inputs
Katerina Dauksta commented
It is also annoying for collecting evidence of expenditure for funding claims. On of our funders are not satisfied with the unclear expense evidence we are providing from Xero. It seems very illogical and unclear.
Susan Montanari commented
So many small changes to Xero Expenses would make the product 100% better.
Carly Deheer commented
We need this function too please !
david hopgood commented
Enable the reference for expenses to be changed from expenses to the actual expense so that when you are searching for an expense it has a relevant search label . At the moment the search only picks up expense and you have to open everything to find out what it is and that is very annoying.
david hopgood commented
Enable the reference for expenses to be changed from expenses to the actual expense so that when you are searching for an expense it has a relevant search label . At the moment the search only picks up expense and you have to open everything to find out what it is and that is very annoying.