Sales Invoice - Bulk Download of PDFs in separate files
Bulk download of invoice PDF files (not export csv)
Currently after doing a search, what I understand the current process is:
- Going under Paid / Unpaid tab under Invoices
- Checkbox all and select print
- But this clumps ALL the invoices into a single PDF file instead of one file per invoice number
- Using an online tool to split the invoices. If your invoice is more than 1 page long, you'll need to manually merge them back.
- Alternatively, manually clicking each invoice link, hitting the Print PDF button. Going back and repeat every invoice.
What I would like to see...
- Select invoices (checkbox) on the All invoices list screen that you want to download. Each invoice is in its own PDF file. A combined zip file would be nice.
- A link on the list screen to immediately download the invoice without going into each individual invoice, clicking on the "Print PDF" button. 3 dots offering download PDF, email, client links, etc would safe an extra trip to click into the invoice individually.
I've seen this offered in more basic invoicing software.

Thanks for stepping out the process for others here, Vicky. You're correct in the way this currently works.
It'd help when sharing back with the team if you could share more detail of why you'd like the ability to export in bulk but create individual files. What would this help your business do?
Kelly Mansell commented
Two years, and this is still an issue... What updates are actually being done each month? There are so many features Xero doesn't offer that people are actively requesting. Does Xero even listen? It shouldn't take two years to implement something like this.
Josephine Pfister commented
I would like to add to this chat. I also require to be able to print batches of paid invoices as Individual pdfs files. As our company is registered for VAT in multiple countries, some countries require copies of sales invoices to accompany the vat report and it would help me to be able to print batches of invoices as individual pdf's to send to the accountants.
Keith Tiltman commented
I have many client that require us to send multiple copy Invoices to them on an email as separate PDF files - each named with the Invoice Number - The process is currently very time consuming and involves a work around - I believe on this forum there are many users that request the same thing - Currently you can select Invoices to be paid and print to PDF but it combines all the Invoices as one pdf - you have to use Adobe Acrobat to separate each Invoice and then Individually check the number for each Invoice before renaming it -
Nigel Williams commented
Hello? Is anyone paying attention to this feature request? Every month, I have to print each invoice for my accounting firm. Something that should take 5 seconds takes me almost an hour. Very tedious for no good reason.
Derbe Reith commented
Allow users to bulk download invoice PDFs as individual PDFs, not just one big one.
Brigitte Collings commented
I would like to download sales invoices in pdf format in bulk, at the end of an invoice run. I can only do it by clicking on 'print' on the 'awaiting payment' tab, which creates 1 pdf for all the invoices selected, not an individual pdf for each invoice. I can print/download a pdf of an individual invoice and than save as pdf when I'm in the invoice screen of a customer, but that is quite slow. I need to have individual invoices exported for audit purposes. I'd appreciate very much if Xero could programme that feature for saving individual invoices individually in bulk, and not as 1 pdf. That would save me time. Looking on Xero central there is a demand for this feature. Thank you Xero team.
Vicky Lidiard commented
There absolutely needs to be a means of bulk exporting bills with their associated PDF files. Looking to leave Xero and the best they can offer is download 1000s of documents 1 at a time. This really isn't good enough.
Nigel Williams commented
Please make this feature. I need to use it monthly.