New Invoicing: Choose default calculation type for the discount column
The new feature sets the discount column to numeric value by standard. My business uses % and it's incredibly tedious having to type % each time. We can do 10-20 quotes a day with an average of 30 products per quote. So a feature that would allow us to click a button to default to percentage, so when you type a number the % appears (like in old Xero).

Hi everyone, we appreciate the interest his idea has received. Introducing the ability to add a discount amount was highly requested by our community. We recognise for customers that discount by % this means you'll need to enter a % symbol where y ou wouldn't have done so before.
With quite a few items drawing our teams attention at present we want to be upfront that developing a default option for discounts isn't in the pipeline atm. This is something we'll keep reviewing and consider as a future improvement in this space. If there is any change or progress around this I'll let you know on the idea, here.
James Daly commented
Who was the genius who came up with defaulting the discount column to a numeric value over a percentage? Change it back!
Trish Walter commented
It is an urgent request that the discount column can be set to default to a percentage as with previous invoicing. Not sure who thought it was a good idea to have to enter the % sign, they obviously dont raise invoices or do a lot of typing.
It also makes it very easy to allocate an incorrect discount. eg: $10 instead of 10% if you arent thinking or have a lot on your plate.
Please make this an URGENT priority to fix - a bad oversight. -
Sam Mence commented
Nope, they still haven't done anything about it. They send us here so we can complain and they don't have to listen, then they force their rollout anyway. Did everyone get the "ending classic invoicing" email? yep. If anyone from xero actually reads this, maybe reply to the thread and give us all hope we're not just shouting into the void.
Chris Mcintosh commented
have they done this yet i have just spent all night doing invoicing and forgot to add % on discount so dumb
Kelly Michael commented
I can't see why it is so hard to have a default option of having either the % or dollar value. We only ever discount in percentage & having to remember this on every invoice & on ever line is ridiculous. Xero please fix this!!
Caroline Mackenzie commented
We would like to see the new invoicing have the option to make % discount the default discount setting rather than a number. While still being able to use the numerical discount if required.
Owain Southwell commented
As with every other comment on here - majority of businesses quote discounts as a percentage not a value. We have already invoiced heaps of customers at the wrong rate because reps forget to add the % sign. Needs to be fixed quickly!
Owen Shaw commented
100% need to be able to set discount setting to % as a a default for your organisation. Who is Xero engaging when making these so called improvements. Invoicing is so time consuming now.
Mark Catchpole commented
With reference to the NEW invoice from September, the discount column you now have to add the percentage symbol each time.Is there a way that this will happen automatically.
The old version you just put a figure in the column and that will deduct the percentage discount, now you have to add the percentage symbol as well which is inconvenient. -
Scott Webb commented
Clients of my accounting practice are asking for the % in discount on new invoicing (they will continue to use old invoicing as it has this feature)
Is this being looked into as a product development. -
Pyroclassic Fires commented
This was a feature in the old invoicing and now takes a long time to do as extra key strokes and remembering it has changed.
ve already had invoices done with a $ rather than % which if I had not caught, would have cost us money.
Ive put all invoicing on to approve which now causes me to have to do an extra task on top of a busy schedule.Come on XERO, how about some UI testing before you roll stuff out
Pyroclassic Fires commented
Be able to enter the discount without having to type the % on everyline.
Old invoicing did this and it now takes longer to do this for each invoice we do. -
Crispina Martin commented
I agree bring the % on
Russ Smith commented
Pointless "voting" on things after they have changed them without consulting _customers_.
So users all need to waste time now trying to find idea to vote on that almost certainly get ignored as Xero plow along doing what they want for some continuous improvement BS.
Diana Franklin commented
Why are you asking us to vote on something we already have and like using. Xero, you are taking away helpful features with new invoicing, stick to classic invoicing. The user experience is being depleted everytime you do what you consider is an upgrade.
Nadine Hyslop commented
This is infuriating on the new invoicing!! We add discounts to 3/4 of our invoices mostly for FAF so the option to set % as default is going to keep invoicing smooth for me. If not, it will be yet another feature that adds to my workload. Xero, fix this before September!
Also the accounts/tracking categories need to stay in the columns (not hidden underneath each line) for large invoices this will also make things difficult. -
Rob Pennoyer commented
This is pointless -- why make people vote on a "new" feature when it already exists in classic invoicing?
Brett Black commented
Xero you need to fix this, it would be some simple coding yet its affects so many clients, we enter so many lines for an order and have to adapt to such a time consuming method, if you cannot fix it then do not turn off classic invoicing.
Mark Wiedemann commented
As with the comments below, not being able to set the discount structure to a percentage is a terrible issue, the New Invoicing has been put forfard as better quicker etc, at this point of time it is in a backward phase.
Rachel Free commented
Why change something that worked perfectly well as it was? I do not like the new invoicing at all and wish they would just leave it alone! Not all changes are good ones.