New Invoicing: Choose default calculation type for the discount column
The new feature sets the discount column to numeric value by standard. My business uses % and it's incredibly tedious having to type % each time. We can do 10-20 quotes a day with an average of 30 products per quote. So a feature that would allow us to click a button to default to percentage, so when you type a number the % appears (like in old Xero).

Hi everyone, we appreciate the interest his idea has received. Introducing the ability to add a discount amount was highly requested by our community. We recognise for customers that discount by % this means you'll need to enter a % symbol where y ou wouldn't have done so before.
With quite a few items drawing our teams attention at present we want to be upfront that developing a default option for discounts isn't in the pipeline atm. This is something we'll keep reviewing and consider as a future improvement in this space. If there is any change or progress around this I'll let you know on the idea, here.
Pyroclassic Fires commented
Its the same in invoicing. I have my contacts already with the discount applied. I'm talking about those we offer a discount to outside of our regulars. This is a time wasting, frustrating ide when you are in the middle of doing invoicing and then realize you've added a $ value and not the % and have to go back and change. Its very embarrassing having our customers contact us saying we made a mistake.
I suggest you leave it as it was. I'm surely not the only client you have who have this issue. -
Nathan Cox commented
Already sent several inaccurate quotes out because of this new 'feature'. Its just another tweak that requires a separate human input leading to potential errors. So tired of the constant changes that are making xero harder and harder to use without errors, extra clicks, work-arounds and hacks.
Sonya O'Connor commented
So fed up with all the changes to the Quote system this year. Removing the default % has created a huge issue for us with staff not picking up on it and sending inaccurate quotes this has cost us money and time.
Kim Death commented
Yeah the new feature had made life very annoying for my business also for exactly the same reason. We been just typing in the discount normally without the % sign for years and now we have to remember to put the % sign in which is very dangerous and has caused quoting errors.
It would be interesting to know how many businesses using would prefer the numeric value as i would have thought most businesses use percentage discount.
Jim Gibson-Brown commented
After years of using % as default it seems backwards for this feature to be taken away. It should be reintroduced as an option.