Batch Deposit - Include over/pre payment when creating batch
Batch Deposits: allow adding over-payments and pre-payments to a batch deposit from the Invoice > Awaiting Payments tab.
Currently a bank deposit that includes over-payments or pre-payments will not match recorded batch deposits because over-payments and pre-payments cannot be added to batch deposits. This causes a lot of wasted time communicating with client accounting staff to understand how to reconcile the variances.

Sally Stubbs commented
Can you link several batches to one bank transaction? We could get around it this way
Sally Stubbs commented
Also our direct debit batch deposits are all over 50 transactions and batch deposits only allow 50 invoices at a time. We offer 4 dates across the moment for a customer to chose when their direct debit is taken from their bank to suit their cash flow - so the qty in each batch is dependant on the customers. Please extend the batch to 999
Susan Lynch commented
I agree - I had a check where my client added a little extra and I had to make two deposits inorder to mark the invoices paid. And now I have to match the two deposits when the deposit downloads from the bank. We need the ability to enter the deposit regardless if it is an overpayment or otherwise.
Shane Ray commented
It should be possible to process a supplier credit note without attaching it to a specific invoice.
Sometimes bills/invoices have already been paid and so the credit note cannot be allocated to them. If you then have to allocate the credit note to any random bill/invoice, it makes the remittance advice useless because it shows the wrong amount owed for that particular bill/invoice which may confuse the supplier.You should be able to go into Bills 'Awaiting payment', select a bunch of bills/invoices and credit notes for one or more suppliers, click 'Make payment' and Xero will create a batch payment for that supplier that totals to the right amount (invoices for the suppliers minus credit notes for the suppliers), export an ABA file (for the bank) containing the totals to be paid (totalled by supplier if you selected more than one) and then make the payment and later reconcile the batch payment. I suppose that if the credit notes totalled to more than the invoices (and hence you'd be trying to make a negative payment) then Xero should warn you and refuse to proceed but apart from that, it should be allowed. And you should be able to then easily send the reconciliation notifications to each supplier which contain a list of all the invoices AND credit notes that get you to the total that was actually paid. Period. That is how it should work because that is how we operate as businesses and how we want the system to work so that it fits in with how we operate. Sure, if there are instances where it makes sense to apply a credit to one particular invoice then we should still be able to do that but we shouldn't be FORCED to operate in that (often) nonsensical way!
Batch payments of bills should definitely be allowed to include both bills/invoices and credit notes. Please implement this !!!
Nicki Oversmith commented
Not being able to process refunds and overpayments in batch deposits is a huge inefficiency. The refund and over and under payment processing in Xero is already quite cumbersome - not being able to do it in batch deposits creates even more work.
Heidi Fransen commented
I agree - overpayments and prepayments should be included in batch deposits as a payment is not always clean and should allow for variances. This would make things a lot easier!
Louise Rosewarne commented
I am not sure how this isn't a feature, extremely critical for the efficiency of our business.
ICJP Admin commented
Agree we really need this feature added
Nancy Wauchope commented
My banking goal in life is to have every cash transaction I enter match exactly the amount that hits the bank account. The sub-goal to that is to only touch each transaction once. Not having the ability to record overpayments or random transactions such as vendor refunds interferes with those objectives and causes additional work.
Oh, and the 50-line limit on a deposit does the same thing. -
Sharie LeClaire commented
I too am waiting on for this to be fixed! Not being able to create an entire deposit (including duplicate payments and overpayments) from the awaiting payments tab is extremely inefficient.
Ingrid Carreno Gomez commented
Is this not fixed then? I am waiting to receive an answer from Xero and I have an overpayment to be received in a deposit payment... any info?
Michelle Orlowski commented
This is incredibly important to our franchise system.
Steve Ziara commented
This is mission critical.
Pam Nelson commented
It is important to our users to have the ability to complete a batch deposit that includes customer overpayments and/or refunds. Currently these transactions cannot be included while creating the batch deposit. We understand you can add these during Reconcile but our organizations may resource creating the batch deposit and performing the reconcile with two different people. This is because they do not want the person creating batch deposits to have access or viewing permissions to the bank accounts.