AU Payroll - Resubmit bounced automatic superannuation payments
Currently, when super payments bounce, Xero sends us an email letting us know that a payment to a particular super fund from a particular payment batch has failed. Once we've identified whose it was, and got the updated details, we then have to contact Xero to get a re-processing authorised.
All of this takes time, during which the Directors of my clients may become liable for late super payments. I'd like a button to click to speed up at least the contacting Xero for re-processing bit - preferably as part of the process identify the refund received and connect the transaction to the re-processing request (and maybe recode it - our clients often have employees with super funds from companies that also supply insurance, so it's not uncommon for the payments to be misidentified as an insurance refund)

Suzi Robertson commented
This needs to be automated - no one has time to submit a case for each bounced super and the compliance obligations mean it must be done efficiently. There is nothing efficient in this process.
Sharon Davis commented
This is very important and makes sense! In fact, maybe xero should identify the offending Super and notify us and release the batch so we can re-authorise
Melinda Moyle commented
This is of high importance currently the process is cumbersome and inconvenient. I can see some Xero users have been confused about how to make the request to Support and have ended up posting confidential super information in the public forums. A button on the super page would alleviate this problem
Justin Tomas commented
Agreed. Also in the instance if a batch fails i.e. due to insufficient funds in the bank a/c then the ability to reprocess the payment as opposed to having to create an entirely new payment.