Chart of Accounts - Ability to lock individual accounts
The lock date feature is great for preventing back posting as a whole but we would benefit from a lock feature for specific nominal accounts - to prevent colleagues posting to a specific account until dates are unlocked.

Thanks for your idea, Sarah - We'll get a sense of the interest here.
Perhaps in the meantime you could look to use the Archive and restore options for an account in your chart of accounts as a way of managing this?
Jenny Draper commented
Yes, this wourl be great for large saccounts and we are balancing many accounts, and reconciling / finalising each one, and being able to LOCK them.
Kelly - Sorry, but what the heck!!! ARCHIVING is a ridiculous idea!!!!!!!!!!!
Freya Pieroz commented
I would love to be able to not accidentally add to a prior year's director's loan account! I do the same with regards to Div7a incurring accounts (append or prepend the financial year it relates to) because it makes it explicit when the full amount in that financial year has been accounted for.
Jaiden Cummings commented
Lockout for chart of accounts on a per account basis - Similar to our current financial year lock dates.
The thought behind this one is isolating year on year loans for companies, such as where Div7a provisions apply (for AU), which would prevent allocation to these accounts in error.
Div7a, broadly, relates to loans to and from companies for individuals and for the ease of client use, we use accounts to track this in the form of YYYY - Shareholder Account. For the purpose of calculating, we require these accounts to be adjusted year on year with various accounting entries to recognise interest on these payments.
By allowing locks on the accounts, as they cannot be archived, it would enable a level of control over the account.
I would imagine there would be various accounts which could benefit from this lock as well due to largely being accounting entries, rather than being bank transactions as well.
Kayleigh Noon commented
This is also a really important need for our business and it would be an amazing feature to have.
Kelly - can I check, with the archive function - will this remove the code from our trial balance and reporting features? -
Lorraine Hannett commented
this is something that I was looking into also. I would like to block the account from general posting (bills, invoices) and allow journals only. With smaller businesses it helps control mis-postings.
Ioannis Kioupouroglou commented
When I reconcile a specific account up to a certain date I would like to be able to lock that account up to this date in order to prevent any accidental alternations.
Kashflow allows that so when you are done for let's say a month, then you lock transactions up until that date for this single bank account only. It would be very helpful as sometimes changes in one account( i.e PayPal USD account ) when there is a transfer it affects another one.
Martin Goodwin commented
our team is big and i need to lock certain accounts
Willy Ko commented
I suggested that contact can add a place to classify supplier, customer, or both. And add the account create date on it.
It can be help on statistics of business activities. -
Willy Ko commented
I suggest that sales invoice & bill can lock inventory items that deflaut on inventory setting.
it can make sure that an accurate sales & cost value can be allocated correctly.
Helen Aked commented
I'm sure this must have been raised but I can't find it. I'm sure admin will merge if it has.
I'd like to be able to lock different ledgers at different times during the month end process. Eg lock sales ledger on day 2, purchase ledger day 5 and the general ledger day X once we've finished journals and accruals. -
Fitzroy Tax commented
I am surprised this is not currently possible!
Chris Harding commented
It would be useful to be able to lock GL accounts in the CoA for a specific company to prevent users from posting manual transactions to that account.
Shona Gruzelier commented
I think this is a critical change as our business grows and we have additional staff inputting data into our system. We need the ability to lock down more accurately. I would like to see all ledgers having separate lock features, cashbook, sales ledger and so on, so that only the general ledger remains open to process final month end / year end journals before the whole month is then locked. This is a feature I have used on every other accounting system I have ever used in the last 20 years!
Cynthia Gerve commented
Ability to Lock Purchase Ledger to have a clear cut off for purchases separate from Accounting period.