AU Payroll - Allow allowances to contribute towards other leave rates
With separating the All purpose allowances. Is there going to be a selection for SICK LEAVE and RDO in the future? (Currently Contributes to Annual and Overtime) only. There is a lot of room for error when you have 50 employees and you have manually adjusted the rate for every single employee!! I'm sure we are not the only company that has RDO and Sick Leave where the all-purpose allowances need to be included in the base rate. Could you please Add this option to the allowances pay item. We are unable to continue with STIP Phase 2 unless this happens.

Paula Wyeth commented
I have only just realised that personal leave is being disaggregated in Xero.
We tick in the industry and tool allowances to contribute to annual leave rate and that works well so I don't understand why Xero is not also having a box in the allowance set up to contribute to personal leave rate also. If STP2 doesn't require or allow personal leave to be disaggregated then reporting will be incorrect, unless the user realises and then manually adjusts each time personal leave is included in a pay run. STP2 compliance matters are urgent matters, not really something for a feature request.
Louise Wheeler commented
Agree - manual calculation is not acceptable for Personal Leave and RDO. Accounts person went on A/L herself and manual change was not picked up by person doing the job whilst she was away. Too much room for error. Only base rate is included in Annual Salary figure on the payslips and this is not an accurate figure as the all inclusive rate should also be included. A matter of priority for Stage 2 STP and XERO to correct ASAP
Sue Clasen commented
Improvement to the way Leave / Leave Loading is calculated when employee has an All Purpose Allowance is necessary. As the Allowance needs to be shown separately on the payslip, but also included in the calculation of Leave Loading a manual adjustment is necessary to pay the employee the correct amount. At least if the manual adjustment in the draft pay is missed, the employee is overpaid and not underpaid!
Angela Wesker commented
100% Agree - For anyone who needs to Disaggregate all purpose allowances - the software does not work without manual manipulation... Also concur that is needs to be an option on multiple categories, not just sick leave. RDO payments, time in lieu paid, cash out of leave... please don't restrict it to just Sick Leave when expanding this feature.
Barbara Johnston commented
Yes please. An absolutely vital update required asap. Need the option to select allowances to contribute to anywhere you would have paid an hourly rate pre-disaggregation. another example being TOIL,
Katherine Zdraveski commented
Yes please!!! This absolutely needs to happen.
The all-purpose allowances also need to contribute toward the calculated annual salary which it is not currently happening. -
Katie Hall commented
With disaggregating the allowances we need to be able to select that they contribute to RDO's and Sick Leave also.(Currently Contributes to Annual and Overtime) only.
Your suggesting of manually changing rates is not acceptable.
We are unable to continue with Phase 2 as the likelihood of error with such manual calculations is way too high.