Reporting - Option for selective printing (similar to XPM)
Only option is to export documents from Xero. Can the Print option, like in XPM (see attached pic) be added

Hi Zoe, thanks for sharing an image of the comparison in XPM. Would this be particularly for when you're running the management reports or another set of reports from Xero?
Collis Marrett commented
I can't believe you have to save a report in a file location EVERY SINGLE TIME just to simply view or print it??? This is one of the most basic features that ALL of your competitors provide. It is EXTREMELY inconvenient, as not only do we have to waste time saving a PDF that should simply be displayed on the screen, but we also have to waste more time deleting all these files once finished. Why have you made this simple process so user unfriendly? How can you possibly think that this is somehow more environmentally sustainable when all the customer wants to do is simply view it on screen 90% of the time. And if they want to print the document they're going to do it anyway? All you have done is made a very simple process into an unnecessarily long one for no reason at all. Not happy!
Zoe Giles-Jones commented
Hi Kelly, Financial reports but any advisor reports this would be great
Lloyd Preston commented
As accountants it is at time useful to be able to print a report onto paper - to do this currently you have to produce a export to PDF and then print - save time by having a Print option or allow the ctrl-p function as a short cut with the report in proper format filing the paper (Currently it is trying to print a web page not the actual report).