Settings and activity
29 results found
10 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Zoe Giles-Jones supported this idea ·
9 votes
Zoe Giles-Jones supported this idea ·
20 votes
Zoe Giles-Jones shared this idea ·
25 votes
Zoe Giles-Jones supported this idea ·
2 votes
Zoe Giles-Jones shared this idea ·
29 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Zoe Giles-Jones commented
Surely this would be so easy to set up - cant believe this is still open since 2015!
Zoe Giles-Jones supported this idea ·
64 votes
Zoe Giles-Jones supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Zoe Giles-Jones commented
Please update this. We sync from GreatSoft (MYOB) always has a mobile number and never a fax
20 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Zoe Giles-Jones commented
Yes, this would save so much time, esepcially as we have permissions based on certain roles in the company.
Zoe Giles-Jones supported this idea ·
5 votes
Zoe Giles-Jones shared this idea ·
14 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Zoe Giles-Jones commented
Yes, would love the comparative function to be on FBT returns and not just ITRS. Also need comparative on the schedules on ITRS too!
Zoe Giles-Jones supported this idea ·
2 votes
Zoe Giles-Jones shared this idea ·
8 votes
Zoe Giles-Jones shared this idea ·
109 votes
Totally understand how notifications of errors can improve efficiency and handling of returns in Xero Tax (AU). Thanks for all your input and sharing on this idea, everyone.
While we have a few pieces of work underway atm, this is something our team are looking to develop. We're going to move this to Under Review and as we have more info and progress we'll return to share this with you all, here. 🙂
Zoe Giles-Jones supported this idea ·
23 votes
Zoe Giles-Jones supported this idea ·
357 votes
Thanks for your involvement and sharing your interest in adding multiple email addresses for a client in Practice Manager with us here.
This idea has been reviewed by our product team however with other priorities right now we don't have immediate plans for developing this capability. If there's any movement or news we'll definitely share with you all, here.
Zoe Giles-Jones supported this idea ·
23 votes
Hi everyone, coming back across the idea here we wanted to clarify existing behaviour.
When you remove a staff member from HQ this automatically removes all org access, as long as those orgs are linked to client records, and as long as the client records are active (not archived) - Meaning you don't need to manually remove access to each org one by one.
The few cases where you would need to manually remove one by one would be if a client is archived or an org is not linked to a client record at the time of staff removal.
We intend to improve this experience and provide better visibility of staff access in the longer term, so when there is more progress on this I'll return to update you here.
An error occurred while saving the comment Zoe Giles-Jones commented
Please give this functionality. We also have this issue and clients come to us months later asking why this user still has access, months after he has left the firm. And for us advisors, we shouldn't have to leave this for our clients to action.
Zoe Giles-Jones supported this idea ·
2 votes
Sorry Zoe, just trying to understand the page you're referring to here - When you say 'on the first page', is this within a specific report that you're running at present?
Are there particular reports you'd find most useful to add comparatives too? Thanks
An error occurred while saving the comment Zoe Giles-Jones commented
Hi kelly. Sorry for the long delay in reply. Advisor reports - financial statements. When im on the first page of the our financial report and i select to have no comparison year, when i go to the second page, it defaults back to showing the compare to 1 year. Would be good to be able to apply to all pages when selected form the first page
Zoe Giles-Jones shared this idea ·
6 votes
Hi Zoe, thanks for sharing an image of the comparison in XPM. Would this be particularly for when you're running the management reports or another set of reports from Xero?
An error occurred while saving the comment Zoe Giles-Jones commented
Hi Kelly, Financial reports but any advisor reports this would be great
Zoe Giles-Jones shared this idea ·
1 vote
Hi Zoe, have made a slight change to the title of your idea here - sounds like this would be within Report templates for a clients org but do let us know if something a bit different you're referring to here. 🙂
Zoe Giles-Jones shared this idea ·
151 votes
Zoe Giles-Jones supported this idea ·
Yes! How is this not already a thing