Notification | Xero Tax - Email when a return goes to Error tab
AU Tax - Error notifications. When a return is rejected by the ATO and appears in the Error tab of the Returns section of Xero Tax, an email should be triggered to alert the tax agent so that the error can be rectified immediately.

Totally understand how notifications of errors can improve efficiency and handling of returns in Xero Tax (AU). Thanks for all your input and sharing on this idea, everyone.
While we have a few pieces of work underway atm, this is something our team are looking to develop. We're going to move this to Under Review and as we have more info and progress we'll return to share this with you all, here. đŸ™‚
Reza Adji commented
I truly supported this improvement to Xero Tax. I cannot imagine if the tax agent, especially with large numbers of clients has to regularly log in to Xero Tax just monitor if there is any error submission rejected by ATO. My other firm uses Handi Tax from Handisoft and will not let the submission if there is error identified during the submission, I had recently have issue with tax return submitted in Dec and only found out that it is not successfully lodge last Friday. No notification from both Xero and ATO that it was not successful due to error in occupation code. So frustrating. Handitax definitely stops this when occupation code is not valid everytime, unlike Xero
Paula Wyeth commented
A very important feature, anything that rejects should trigger an alert on the page and also an email.
Peta Bell commented
Super important & would be extremely useful
Felicity Castensen commented
This is very important. Especially when lodging returns close to deadline.
Elaine Wade commented
I pre lodge all my returns. How does a return pass the pre lodge then fail to lodge?
John Back commented
Very important to keep on top of errors, especially in tax season
Belinda Coady commented
I sign & file through Tax Returns daily so notice pretty much within 24hrs of en error. I still think an email notification of an error would be helpful.
Cheran Sugathapala CPA, ACMA commented
Yes, I think this is very important. I had an IAS sitting there for 3 months not getting my attention!
Paula Leggatt commented
Because we are not advised there is an error, there are now late lodgments due Xero failing to set this up with any urgency.
Kirsty Fox commented
Because I didn't get an email advising me of an error, a client has lost $3400+ in child care benefit. I filed the return and packed up as it was my last one for the financial year and went on leave. I didn't know until I came back.
You can send an email when a payroll has a filing error - why can't you do the same with a tax return. I'm sorry but that is BS and just not good enough. Software I previously used gave you an error when you lodged, not some time after.
Simon Munro commented
I am not an AU user but am going to support this idea and suggest widening it in that in my opinion errors such as an overdue tax return are not sufficiently visible on the Dashboard screen - approaching deadlines need to be very prominent and overdue deadlines extremely prominent. I have managed to miss deadlines despite checking and interacting with Xero every day as the current error looks like nothing at all.
Anthony Rohan commented
Will also add my vote for this feature in NZ tax
Jacinta Hewer commented
This is so important. Clients expect that once they have signed a document, the lodgement will take place. It can be weeks/days before its noticed under the error tab!
Very disappointing. -
Vicki Fletcher commented
I had a BAS that I requested an extension on. Thought I lodged it on time but no, went in to lodge the next IAS and found the BAS had not lodged. We are now over a week late and have a Payment Plan in place which has now probably defaulted. Very frustrating that there is no notification when an error occurs.