Reports - Adjust column width
Would be useful to be able to narrow column width, especially when decimals are removed and more months are required on 1 page. Similar to Excel, where we can change width and height of rows or columns.
Hi team, to share your feedback with the right teams and individuals can you please explain the screens/pages in Xero you'd find this particularly useful?
Esti-Mari van den Berg commented
We're not able to adjust the column width of the VAT201 and therefore cannot see the account codes and references. There is also no invoice number on the VAT201. We now have to export the reports to excel to see the info to be able to review clients' VAT returns.
Please can you add the function to be able to adjust the column width and also the invoice number.
David North commented
Trying to customise reports for meeting and small report taking up 3 pages - not sure how to adjust column with of first column account description taking up 2 or 3 lines so makes report much longer. Is this not able to be widened?
Meredith Caple commented
The ability to resize columns where the figures are not long but the heading is would be great, this will make the report far easier to read. Ideally its a drag to resize with the column headings auto wrapping. An example of this is the Budget Variance report where the "Overall Budget" colunm could be made narrower as well as the Account name field.
Wendy Angliss commented
@Kelly Munro, Can you update us please on timeline for column widths and margins. I have just printed out the General Ledger exception report for the first month of the year and it's 13 pages long but only needs to be about 4-5 if we could adjust. This is not good for the planet and looks very unprofessional if we print to pdf. Even if we cant' adjust from the user end, there are large areas of white space that are not being used. Happy to send an example to a Xero email for you to look at.
thanks Wendy -
Tom Duffy commented
Also being able to format column headers (e.g. wrap text) similar to formatting in Excel would save a load of work having to download to excel and reformating there before distributing (as per Kimn's comment below).
Kim Harris commented
The ability to adjust column widths within custom reports would be a very helpful feature. We have custom reports that look fine on the screen & when sent to PDF format, have columns that are way too wide, which makes the report very impractical to read & unprofessional to look at. The only way around this at the moment is to export to excel & re-format that way, however this is more manual manipulation & the reports don't look as good when formatted this way.
Alan Heiser commented
It is really bad when entry fields are too small to see the full amount
This is happening all over XERO and a further problem is the different functionality displayed by entry fields of the same type -
Karen Goodwin commented
We moved to Xero to get away from reporting using spreadsheets so I was really disappointed to find I cannot run a balance sheet report with a variance column as it wont fit and the only solution is to export to Excel.
Karen Bourke commented
It's hard to export to Excel and then format to the exact layout that was on Xero PDF (which was relatively well set out) and takes more time to prepare a report. Any report this would be helpful in.
Also agree with Fiona Davidson, not just in reports but in the page views.
Sam Calabro commented
agreed, this is something that should be standard functionality
Wendy Angliss commented
Here is a frustrating example today which may help yor team.
I had to export to excel and then add a column because Xero thought I did not have enough space, and therefore refused to let me add a column in layout.
Could you please respond to this group wiht an updated ETA for the column width fix.
Wendy -
Fiona Davidson commented
Not just reports either, but the page views. You know the columns you guys messed with in your "updates" -
Joanne Ferguson commented
Column Widths in Reports and On-screen displays
It would be extremely useful to be able to change the column widths of both on-screen displays and reports.
Reports can be exported to excel to customise but this is extremely time consuming and exporting to pdf makes for longer than necessary reports (more pages). My contact name and item code fields are generally much longer than than the column width you seem to think appropriate and can take up 3 or 4 lines when in pdf format or on screen (all screens: invoices, bills, po's contacts etc etc).
Andrew Bennett commented
All reports
Daniel Soo commented
The column width should be auto adjust according to the longest in the column. Option is to wrap in the cell
- Flame commented
I believe they are referring to being able to adjust the column width when using the layout editor for REPORTS.
In my case the columns look tight in the editor but when displaying the report some columns are wider than necessary. If they could be adjusted, I could fit the report on a portrait orientation page. -
Judy Watson commented
Need the ability to resize Columns in reports. For example, the Depreciation Schedule the Method has a large blank space after it, whilst the Name (of the asset) is short so most are over two lines. Being able to decrease the size of the Method column (which will only have DV, CP, Full in it) and increasing the size of the Name column will make the schedule shorter and easier to read.
Also, in the Account Transactions/General Ledger Detail report, being able to increase the size of the Description column will make more readable as especially where the description has downloaded from an imported Invoice can be multiple lines long.
While can download to Excel and change the column widths, is a waste of time when could be done in Xero itself - and can then be permanent for when print the reports monthly. -
Diana Jones commented
The ability to adjust columns would make this report way more user friendly. Because all the detail from an invoice is now printed in the 'description ' column, the column needs to be wider as the report is now running to pages
Allan Barnett commented
Kelly Munro - I have provide two report examples on the 26th June and you have done nothing about fixing the issue!
Kath How commented
I need to be able to adjust the column width on the new P&L report to allow for all tracking columns to be shown on the same page. It is important to be able to compare them to each other.