UK Payroll - Add a remuneration report
UK doesn't currently have the remuneration report. This is a basic fundamental requirement on payroll.

Lucy Kidson commented
This is a fundamental report for businesses with multiple employees. Please can this be added to UK Xero soon.
Sarah Naughton commented
We need this report every 6 months for salary reviews. How is it not possible to generate easily?
Another much needed report is one containing each employees start dates and other info - it is a waste of time going to each employee individually, downloading their csv files and pulling them all into 1 report.
This is basic stuff, the info is already there.
Moira Fraser commented
This report is essential for any business with employees - why is this not available in the UK? Seems strange that this is not available in UK but it is for other countries - surely it's just a quick fix?
Kali Byers commented
Why is this fundamental report available in other regions but not the UK!! Xero payroll has got to up its game. As a payroll bureau this report is extremely important and requested regularly by clients - When will this be reviewed?
Katherine Beaney commented
I can't believe this isn't already in place. Such a fundamental report for budgeting. I am looking at other software's as this was requested over a year ago and nothing has been actioned!
Matthew Harrison commented
Not to have the ability to get a list of personnel with their salaries undermines the usability of Xero payroll to a significant extent for planning and even more importantly checking.
Rory Lloyd commented
Clearly there is a need to access more employee data from the payroll module than is currently available, surely creating more access to this data is a relatively straightforward fix and update to the software? Quick win for all customers.
Emma Hards commented
I can't believe this isn't already in place. Such a fundamental report, particularly for the first run when there's no history. We're having to go and manually open each employee record to check the information.
Neil Tasker commented
Couldn't agree more, sage offers this as standard. I have just contact Xero support again who have said add my vote to this, this is something that Ive been asking about now for over two years. you have the report set up, just activate it for the UK users.....................................Please!!!!
Linda Brady commented
It would help a lot to be able to generate this report. There are not enough general reports for employee list such as name Dob contact details salaries. You have to go into each one seperately which isn't ideal. An employee report would be great
Patrick Camilleri commented
Why is this so hard?! And why is the Employee Remuneration Report available in other jurisdictions? This just doesn't make sense.
Anthony French commented
We need this report asap
Nicola Hart commented
1. Would like to be able to produce a report showing ALL employee details such as start date, address, annual salary, working hours, role etc. As all the information must be stored in a table Xero should be able to extract this into a report easily?
2. Would be good to be able to print DRAFT payrun reports, so that details can be checked against other reports before posting the payrun. Posting and reverting a payrun seems to cause issues with HMRC.
Nicola Hart commented
1. Would like to be able to produce a report showing all employee details, such as start date, annual salary, working hours, address, role etc.
2. Would like to be able to produce payrun reports before posting so that can check all info is accurate. Reversing a payrun seems to cause issues with HMRC when we re-post.
Karen Bennett commented
Please can we have a simple, straight forward report that shows Employee names, bank details and their net pay within the payroll so employers can process payments manually.
Thank you.