Remittance Advice - Send multiple advices without using Batch Payments
Currently remittance advice can be sent based on payments. It is not possible to send multiple remittances at the same time without using the batch payment method.
As we have a lot to send, is it possible to look into some ways to send some remittance advice in a more efficient way for cases like with several payments to one person or multiple advice to multiple receivers? Or any automation for regular ones? Instead of downloading PDF one by one / sending email by payments one by one?

Carolyn Ashworth commented
We don't like using batch payments because we don't yet send remittance to each supplier. We only send when we get asked and we find have separate payments, rather than batched, means they can reconcile the payments we send with their invoices more easily, i.e. no need for a remittance. However, we do sometimes need to send a remittance when supplier needs proof of payment sent. This is when it gets annoying to send a remittance for each separate payment sent to a supplier. So an option to send one remittance for multiple separate payments sent to a supplier on a particular day (like you can do with Sage), would be helpful. Thanks
Anita Warburton commented
Work around - Set up a manual batch payment - Send the remittance then remove the payment and make the payment via Xero
Antoinette Le Peuple commented
Did we ever get a resolution to this?
Jackie Ward commented
I have a client who has about 50 subcontractors on CIS. He needs to send a remittance/confirmation of their payment to all of them - every week! Sending remittances en masse like statements would be fantastic!
Accounts Octo Group commented
In the Invoices tab there is an option to send statements.
This would be helpful in the Bills to pay tab to select the bills paid for the month and to send to all suppliers.
Peter Hull commented
It is tiresome to individually send remittances. If Sage and Opera can send many remittance advices with a couple of clicks, surely Xero can catch up?
Anita | Botham's of Whitby commented
Please could you look into this Xero? We are using the new paid payments feature in Xero - but remittances are not sent for us! We are sending about 20+ payments each time, and clicking an individual payment then multiple clicks to send a remittance one at a time is crazy....
Natasha Worrall commented
Please add this, used to be easy when completing payments through Wise but now this is so time consuming!
Mark Shaw commented
Agreed, This is time consuming and should be able to be sent together, like invoices etc. Please add function
Anita Warburton commented
This is essential. With wise this was possible. with the new payment function sending the remittance is time consuming.
Laurence Elliott commented
"Previous batch payments (via Wise) enabled "Send Remittance Advices" from 1 single batch payment to all suppliers included in that batch" - this is a big step back with Crezco, please make it so that I can click one button to send all the remittance advices again!!
Mellisa Kramer commented
regularly i get suppliers coming back and asking for all remittances for a set period. This first means finding seperate batches, extracting just thier remittance and then sending via external emial provider. It would be great to go to their contacts page and be able to select all payments to them and send direct from Xero. This is a feature always avialable in MYOB, along with sending a specific staff member all payslips.
Lee Newsham commented
Agree. Now with Direct Payments via Crezco there must be an easier option to send remittances for the payment batch than going into each one separately and having to email the remittances individually one by one.
Lynn Sinclair commented
Now very important if you're using the new Crezco Opening Banking payment solution - this saves each payment as a separate line, even if you've batched them together to pay. Hence, not having to go into every single line (1 per supplier) and send 1 remittance at a time. Previous batch payments (via Wise) enabled "Send Remittance Advices" from 1 single batch payment to all suppliers included in that batch