Report's - GST Audit report, option to print PDF version by Account number
When reviewing the GST Audit Report we are able to sort by account number, but when printing in PDF it reverts back to date sort order. Can we have an option to print to PDF in account code order.

Hi everyone, as you may have seen in recent communications - We've rolled out a new and improved New Zealand GST experience.
While we've made many changes, we want to be open that transactions will only print in date order. This isn't something we have plans for changing in the near future and we'll move the idea to not planned. If our position of this changes at any point we'll be sure to update you of this here.
Lydia Sun commented
agree, will be handy, also, if you can add number code in gst audit report will be better too
Lisa Shaw commented
Way more useful when reviewing.
Lauren Mitchell commented
This would make it much easier for reviewing
Judy Sisson commented
Good for when reviewing.
Virginia Warner commented
This would be very useful and would save us time. Having to export to Excel to sort takes time as well, and creates room for error so I'm not keen on that.
Tina Leigh commented
It's the logical way to review these reports.
Michelle Black commented
Definately need to be able to review a GST return by account
Xero MCI commented
Yes, the ability to export to pdf or excel and keeping the sort by code would be much needed in our practice
Xero MCI commented
Most accountants would review a GST return by account and not date. Please make this an option.
Jacques Van Wyk commented
Great idea!
Tracey Lloyd commented
This report would be very helpful
Rochelle Taewa commented
Yes very handy for reviewing
Clare Brooks commented
This feature would be extremely useful
Hariata Shortland commented
Much needed function
Maxine Buchanan commented
Would be a great improvement
Angelina Greer commented
Would make life alot easier/quicker to review
Phillip Smith commented
Agree -only way to review by code
Janette Cooper commented
Excellent idea to view your GST report by code...use this method all the time.
Nicole Funaki commented
When reviewing GST returns it is easier to review the audit trail by code rather than by date to identify transactions missing or unusual transactions.