Option to disable rounding in Xero
I still don't understand why Xero rounds any amounts? Could we have an option to disable all rounding in Xero. I have just left MYOB after 10 years, they never did anything like this. I moved to Xero on advice from my accountant, starting to regret this! Leave it as an option for whoever is rounding stuff (very werid), but please give me a checkbox that totally disables rounding. Please!

Paula Goynes commented
I had to create a workaround to "fool" the invoice into creating the correct total by adding a non-inventory account called "Rounding Adjustment" and then manually enter the amount as a debit or credit based on the amount the total invoice was incorrect. Not a happy experience. I can only hope this doesn't cause unexpected repercussions in the accounting program. Since I am a new user, I am not sure if this will work for me, but it is the best solution I can think of at this point. Billing my customers the correct amount is, of course, the ultimate goal.
Tim Jervis commented
I’m trying to record purchase of shares nominally values at less than 0.00001. This appears to be impossible, it’s tedious to have to work-around.
Kim Murnaghan commented
The rounding in Xero payroll is a nuisance, for 1c it's a pain & fiddly to fix up!
When Xero uses the public holidays on the payslip (I've now optioned this off) OR shows the sick/holiday pay hours it can round the $ up or down by 1cent. We have set up direct debits in the bank for wages each week so the bank vs wages do not match and differs from what the employee gets on the payslip. So until Xero can fix this anomaly one has to remember to change the sick/holiday line accordingly to match the direct debit.
Maria Munoz commented
It is crazy that it is rounding when a quote is a quote... even if $0.1c or $0.3 variation ... it shouldn't round. we have to keep doing minor adjustments to make things balance. Waste of time....that if someone under pays and we wish to make the adjustment... find but not every variation from our Servicem8 is being adjusted. Needs to stop. It is annoying. It should be a feature that can be turned on if needed otherwise ... leave the prices as they are..... It isn't a cash world when paying EFT and Credit Cards so why round? rounding was due to cash payments.
Rebecca Dann commented
And to make things worse, when you realise later on down the track that a bill had rounding entered onto it, but then you can't edit it becuase there's a payment already applied.
Sara Martin commented
Our invoices transfer in from our back office system and I have to run a report everday to pull out all the ones with the round ing additions so I can remove them. this is the biggest wate of time ever. please allow me to stop this from happening.
sales invoices have been sent to cusotmers from the creating system but then xero has them at different values so payments don't match if i don't remove the rounding. Purchase invoices are the same, my payments then don't match my suppliers systems because xero has changed the amounts....this must be stopped -
Gavin Thomas commented
Further to my previous comment I attach a screenshot of one version of this transaction. Why on earth is Xero adding a 2p rounding adjustment here????
Gavin Thomas commented
I have had issues with rounding in the past but am now trying to post a bill and CANNOT get the correct gross amount. I have tried every different way I can think of. Tax inclusive and exclusive. Combining all lines in bill into a single figure. I've even tried splitting the bill into 20% VAT and zero VAT lines to get rid of the adjustment but however I post it it always comes in at 1p out. This is really frustrating and silly.
Michael Putnam commented
Not only should XERO have an option NOT to round, but we should have an option to enter the exact amount of a line item in the final price column and have the unit cost be calculated automatically. I am almost positive there was one either quote, or some other form I was completing where it actually let me do this. We have to have our PO's, match up with our vendor Invoices and if you round any accounting, it makes it almost impossible do this.
Francis Fasco commented
Just another maddening quirk in Xero. No reason to mandate rounding without offering the option to disable it. I have a rounding account that appears in my Balance Sheet and the amount has grown to the point where my accountants and I would like to zero it out but we canot book a manual journal reclass the amount to it because Xero wont let us. Pointless and illogical!
Bev Fogarty commented
Has this been resolved yet? It is really annoying and unnecessary to have automatic rounding. Especially when it makes the balance NOT match the invoice amount.
Emily Buttlar commented
I will not be able to continue with Xero if I do not have an option to disable this.