AU Payroll - Automatically accrue leave on additional pay items
Have the option to accrue leave on other pay items. ie. Saturday rate has to be set up with its own rate per employee as each employee is on their own rate for Saturday and isn't a "mutplication of the ordinary rate". This also needs leave to accrue on it.
Spoken to Xero adviser and they don't have a set up for this yet.

Karen Driver commented
Errors occur entering it manually
If MYOB can do this, surely Xero can -
Linda Cameron commented
It is imperative that this be fixed
Courtney Fisk-Walsh commented
Leave Accrual to be calculated on ALL ordinary pay item types not just the default ordinary hours. This is especially helpful for employees who have different ordinary earnings in their pay template. Currently this leave accrual has to be entered manually even though all pay items are setup as ordinary hours.
Joel Cox commented
This is an issue for me as well, multiple employees on different pay rates depending on the day (weekday, Saturday, Sunday, public holiday). The 'multiple of employee's ordinary hours' function doesn't really work as the multiple isn't the same for each employee. This means that you can't setup a pay template as the hourly rate needs to be manually updated every pay run anyway.
Instead, when setting up a pay item there should be the option to tick the 'accrue leave for this earnings rate' box for 'rate per unit' rate types and not just the 'multiple of employee's ordinary hours' rate type. That way Xero would accurately record leave accruals and you could set up a pay template with the correct pay rates for each day, for each employee.
Much time would be saved if this feature worked properly.
Bailey Young commented
I have discovered a workaround. Enter the Ordinary Hours an employee works into the Ordinary Hours pay item - leave the rate $0.00 so it doesn't affect the Gross pay figure. The pay run can then accrue the correct amount of hours for Annual Leave & Sick Leave etc, based on the hours entered.
We then use the other Pay Items to setup to pay the correct wages as per their correct hourly rate. It is annoying, but the only work around at this stage.
Emma Fitzgerald commented
There are multiple employees I am needing this function for. At this stage i am having to work out the 'multiple of the ordinary rate 'with about ten decimal points! And I still cannot get the exact pay rate. This feature is a 'must' to be able to accrue leave on additional pay items that don't fall under this 'multiple of ordinary rate'.