Global Pay Run - Create Spend Money transactions
When posting a pay run, Xero should automatically create spend money transactions with all relevant details and links to the pay run.
Currently, this is done manually by creating spend money transactions for each transaction and there is no link to the payslip.
This will save a lot of time in reconciling a pay run and improve the connectivity within Xero.

Rafael Guiliani commented
I do not have pay runs available can you add this feature onto my organisation.
Rebecca Cutler commented
Totally agree with this idea. Not sure why this doesn't happen already. It should be an automatic flow on.
Christine Ryan commented
Why does xero not automatically make a spend money for wages when a pay run is posted/filed?
I like to have transactions entered, and use the bank feed reconcile as just that... I like to see green, also because I am not the only one at the business who does this and the less room for error the better!