Invoicing - Include PDF attachment when emailing invoice
When Xero are emailing out their invoices please can you go back to attaching the invoices as a pdf as it quicker to be able to forward them rather than having to sign in and save them as draft, especially when you are having to do loads for clients.

Thanks for sharing back on this, everyone. We'd like to confirm the way the options works now when sending in new invoicing - This is triggered by previous behaviour.
So, when you send using new invoicing, the selection for 'Attach PDF' is driven by the last invoice you sent. If the last selection was unticked the next invoice you send will automatically be unticked, and vice versa.
What's worth noting is that this is a browser based setting. For example if you change computers or browsers your setting will revert to default where both options are unticked. As you'll see from my recent update on this similar idea this is something we may explore further down the line but we don't have any immediate changed planned for.
We also appreciate your feedback relating to where a customer's taken when clicking Review and pay. Our team have done a lot of research and testing around this flow - finding that businesses that have a payment service attached are likely to get paid faster, along with this taking customers directly to the payment screen has increased the rate at which businesses receive payment.
While it's only shown for some users that have payment services set up at present, we're looking to roll this change out wider to all invoices. We know it can take a bit of getting used to the change but believe that many people will quickly grow familiar with this.
Rose Zerella commented
Isn’t Xero here to try and make life easier? why can’t we forward PDFs directly to files from our emails. It doesn’t like it unless you remove all the content inside the body of the email and solely send the pdf to files
Lucy Cole commented
I would also like the default to include the invoice / documents attached to the email (or remember previous selections).
This was a feature that was delivered in 2022
This has since been removed / regressed.
This now adds more time on to my day, having to select this box for every invoice I send out.
Luke Wheeler commented
PDF attached to all invoices being sent out from Xero - we utilise Salesforce who triggers the email to send from Xero directly - however there is currently no options for PDF to be attached.
We have numerous clients refusing to pay because they wont click the link to download an invoice and in the last few weeks the link now takes them to a screen to enter card details not a copy of the invoice causing more clients not willing to click the link (screenshot of new screen attached). Regional Australia business where all of our customers aren't tech saavy as well. need to make it easier for the customer. -
Luke Wheeler commented
Also annoying when your invoices use an api to send out invoices from the Xero system. no pdf attachment or option to select it!
Amy Wang commented
I think if we can set it up in different account, that will be great, but yes. it is extremely inconvenience without this option, and Xero does not want to help that makes the situation be even worse.
Amy Wang commented
I can not believe this simple but extremely useful function not be sorted until now.....
Rob Stainsby commented
Would be great to add an option at invoice theme or even global system setting to default the option of including PDF invoice as attachment to invoices sent from Xero.