Project supplier invoices
Scenario - Multiple projects open. If materials are purchased at eg a builders merchants for mutliple projects on one invoice/receipt, it's not possible to allocate the spend to individual projects which is madness. It seems that the total invoice/receipt must be assigned to ONE particular project. When materials are bought, it's often far cheaper to buy them in bulk, hence buying for more than one project at the same time. It should be possible to therefore assign individual lines on the invoice to a particular project (a bit like tracking).

Hi Clare, if you're adding an expense from within a project, it's expected that the expense you're creating is related to the Project you're in. You could create a Bill within the Bills to pay area where you can assign individual lines of your bill to different Projects.
Leah McVeigh commented
Kelly's response here misses the mark. Imagine you are running a small construction business with 10-15 active jobs at any given time. You have a few runners on staff who spend their days running to local hardware stores and other supply shops to pick up a box of screws, an extra gallon of paint, a new saw blade.
They're just a runner, they don't have access to full xero suite. Their job is take a picture of the receipt in Xero Me and submit it as an expense allocated to the correct the job, and then move on to the next errand. However, now that employee has 1 receipt that they need to allocate to 3 different projects, this is impossible to do in Xero me, so what is the employee to do? In my company the answer is to sloppily jot down the 3 jobs on the back of the receipt, crumple the receipt in the bottom a Home Depot bag, remember it a week later, spill some coffee on it, and then put it on my desk with a posit it note that says "sorry, forgot to turn this is last month."
This could all be avoided if you could simply split a receipt in the XeroMe app.