AU Payroll - Ability to apply work patterns to part time employees
Suggest the ability to apply work patterns to part time employees. For example, we have a part time employee who works 7 hours on Mon, 6 hours on Tues and 6 hours on Wed.
At the moment, if a Public Holiday falls on a Monday, it does not correctly work out hours worked.
The same happens if Annual Leave is taken; incorrect hours are calculated which affects AL accruals.
Hours worked have to be calculated and added manually.

Tropical Waste commented
Don't even get me started on Payroll even in classic invoicing. So rigid and inflexible, I've never used a payroll that's so time consuming and ridiculous. Does not cater for shift changes or staff who swap swings, it's a major drama involving SO MUCH prep work of changing each employees setup just to start the pay run. and if you forget just one you have delete the entire run and start again instead of just amending that one empolyees payslip. I could go on as my list of pet hates for Xero's Payroll is long, but I have to think of my Blood Pressure and run a Business. Sometimes I just ring the Accountant and tell to fix it because they forced us onto this program in the first place........
Jen Thomson commented
This would be a real time saver; Xero's assumption of how hours should be spread out costs me productivity across so many staff!