AU Payroll - Projected Annual Leave
In AU Payroll - can you please add the projected leave balance.
This would be really helpful for employee to plan their leaves.

Nicola Frame commented
If someone submits a leave request months ahead of their planned leave (which is good and useful for their team to manage projected workflows) then Xero immediately takes this into account so staff may then appear to have a significant negative leave balance. Our protocol is to avoid negative annual leave balances where possible because it's a debt to the business, so we have to manually calculate what they will have accrued by the planned leave date to ensure they are as close to a positive balance as possible. And then if that staff member submits another leave request for time BEFORE their future (previously submitted) leave application they go alarmingly into negative so we have to make additional manual calculations to get the true accrual figure at the leave date/s. Don't even get me started on how we plan for the office shutdown over Christmas... So why, Xero, with all the technology you have at hand why do we still need to whip out the calculator or set up formulae in Excel to manage this??
Mohini Singh commented
I agree that this would be very beneficial. Manually calculating can be cumbersome and time consuming.
Jessica Stephenson commented
This is an absolute necessity for approving Annual Leave, it shouldnt need to be manually calculated especially at Office Closure times for multiple staff
Angela Muecke commented
Seconded to a previous comment, it's that time of year where we need to project balances for leave of Christmas office closure and it would be really helpful.
Jill Hartmann commented
I have to manually work out the employees projected leave for the Christmas shut down so this would be extremely helpful.
Kim Watton commented
A projected leave balance report would be so beneficial for my organisation. Currently, I run the Leave Balances & Leave Requests reports then using my excel skills combine the two to try and predict the accrued leave balance of the leave requests to find out whether that employee needs to apply for leave without pay. This can take a full day depending upon interruptions!
Marie Malica commented
I wholeheartedly agree that having the capability to project leave would not only be helpful but I'd argue, necessary! We recently moved across to Xero payroll when we moved our financial management to Xero. I was not aware of this lacking feature before the move, and I may have reconsidered it I was.