Login - Auto-focus on the Multifactor authentication (MFA) page would be an amazing tweak
When the multifactor authentication (MFA) page pops up the field to enter the code needs to autofocus with the cursor on page load so that the user can just start typing their code from their phone or app without needing to click on the code field.
It's such a small tweak that saves a mouse click when a user is probably already holding their phone in their hand ready for the page to load. I know that I often start typing the code from my phone without looking at the MFA page only to discover that the code field is not focused so I have to start again.
Many many banks have this small GUI feature on their MFA pages.
The developers just need to add a onload function that focuses on the code input field...
Thanks so much

Dale Grimmond commented
I came here to add this exact item. The number of times I'm on auto pilot, click login, pick up my phone and start typing to find that i didn't enter any characters!
Florian Thoma commented