New invoicing | Send - Rich text editor format
Please change the editor in the email copy, when sending an email & creating an email template, to a rich text editor. It would be useful to be able to bold/highlight particular lines especially when invoices are late & reminders are being sent

Hi everyone, while we appreciate and initially provided a solution for the idea here within the new invoicing email modal, we wanted to return as after further testing this feature has needed to be removed.
That said, we know being able to add basic formatting to your emails is important to some of our customers and while the tool bar has been removed you can still add basic html formatting to your emails to bold, add italics or underline text within the invoice emails you send to customers.
- Bold = <b> and </b>
- Italics = <i> and </i>
- Underline = <u> and </u>
We understand not all customers are familiar with these tags so I've added an example image that shows the different tags that can be added and how these will show instantly within the email preview so you can make sure you email looks as you expect.
If we make any further plans around adding a tool bar back into the email window we will be sure to keep you updated of this here.
Penny Davis commented
Markdown would be a great feature for invoice formatting
Sharon Anderson commented
Very basic - please make a change email templates that we can bold, underline, italic important lines within the body of our email.
Brian Osborne commented
Bring back text formatting when sending Email templates
Jo Anderson commented
I would like to be able to make text bold and underlined when sending invoices and statements.
Billie FitzGerald-Glen commented
Please add back the option to edit text formatting within the message of email communications.
We have several email templates, however, due to there being so many different job types, sometimes we are required to note specific changes in the message body of these emails via Xero.
We could previously italicize or bold this added note which helped differentiate between the template and job-specific note, however, this option seems to have been removed.
Nina Lindahl commented
Hi Kelly
This method will help with my requirements for now thank you but not very "user friendly" sorry.
Cheers, Nina
Emilien Hosquet commented
Hi Team
The formatting doesn't seem to work. I have added the following format. Attached is what I received after making the changes.
Please let me know if this works for you or if further adjustments are needed.
Claire Simpson commented
Excellent, thanks
Nina Lindahl commented
Bold option bar back on top of invoicing entries to enable highlighting any wording on the invoice
Sally Stubbs commented
The new invoicing used to have an option to add BOLD text in the email body and that has disappeared again - please add this back in LOVED it!
Gabrielle Capati commented
Emailing invoice, the feature of being able to have text options (bold, underline, itilicize) was removed, hoping it could be put back. Also, being able to highlight the text option would be a great addition. As well as adding placeholders for credit notes applied to the invoice.
Fiona Cobb commented
When I first signed up to Xero about 5 years ago I had to do a lot of work with templates to get the invoices to look aesthetically pleasing. It wasn't possible to adjust the covering email layout but it was OK. At some point, you have changed the covering emails so that the amount due is in large bold font at the top of the email which is not really appropriate for my business (professional services consultancy) and impacts on my relationship with customers. Can this be returned to the old format? Or made editable? Or give us the choice of which format to use? In combination with the new invoicing changes I'm now looking for another online accounting provider as Xero's service is getting worse rather than better....