Xero Subscription - Increase Invoice limit in Ignite Plan
Invoicing - increase the number of invoices that can be sent on the Ignite Plan or have another plan between the ignite and grow plans that allows more invoices to be sent and bills to be entered without the current extras in the grow plan. The jump up in cost between these plans is too much.

Aileen Chapman commented
A bolt on of simply say 20 extra invoices at a nominal cost available any time that are not expunged at the month end would be my preferred addition to the current set up.
Melinda Rochford commented
Please revise packages to all option for sole traders
Melinda Rochford commented
Can you increase (or better remove) your limit of 20 invoices per month on your Ignite package – or add a new package that is in between Ignite and Grow? – As a sole trader with meagre monthly turnover, and no need for items such as payroll, additional users etc – a $70 a month package is cost prohibitive. Can you offer something for us startups?
PS. A competitor of xero has a basic package for small business with UNLIMITED invoices and quotes on offer for $11.25 AUD a month ($normally $45) PLEASE don’t make me have to SWITCH!
Aileen Chapman commented
Simple extra invoices
In some months, maybe twice a year we need more than the 20 invoices our subscription allows.. We would like to pay a fee to get extra for those months where this occurs -
Divya Kumar commented
When on the starter plan, have more alerts to let the customer know that they are about to reach the limit for the invoices soon